Trump seems to be doing well so far...

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this has got to be the biggest load of crap i have heard. just where was the HUGE population growth when we came out of the last ice age . also where was all the coal fired factories and SUVs. say what you want but IMHO man has almost NO effect on climate change as shown from LONG term history. the planit has gone through major changes long before we was of any significance. just look at all the pollution during the late 1800 -to late 1900 i remember in the 70 s the talk was the coming ICE age . this load of crop is all about making people like al gore rich selling carbon offsets and controlling people. as to all the fear mongering about TRUMP get over it he is just one man in a government of 530 more and can only do so much without there approval including his finger on the button. I was NOT fond of the last POTUS along wit a lot of others but we did not bitch, call him hitler, threaten to blowup the white house, leave the country and riot like the left loony s have.

acotrel said:
The driver of global warming is the population explosion.
Unfortunately bill the science doesn't agree with you.
A graph of greenhouse gases in the past million years or so rather shows this,
mankind is doing a great job of altering our planets atmosphere, and 'terraforming' the planet - the wrong way !
And a LOT of folks burning a LOT of fossil fuels has to be in the mix there somewhere,
if we'd stayed being a few cavemen it couldn't have come to this.. !

Trump seems to be doing well so far...

And you won't find too many reputable scientists arguing against this - the 'greenhouse effect' has been known for a long time. Have you noticed that climate skeptics invariably have no education ??
There are of course a lot of competing and confusing factors, if we all went back to burning dirty fuels the smog layer could well mitigate the greenhouse effect, and indeed in India and China at the moment this is actually happening ? - but their air is barely breathable some days !

Mr Trump may be one in many, but he is stacking the odds by selecting all the wackos and tired old minds he can find into his government, in some weird quest to go back to the 1950s. Nth Korea and Zimbabwe amongst others also tried something similar, as did even China for a while too, but I'm not so sure it was such a howling success ??

Good luck we say, but if the USA reverts to being a 3rd world standard and China becomes the pre-eminent world power, don't say we were surprised ??
Stop it already. Science is not a democracy. If we all believe in ghosts, or that the earth is flat, or that the earth is the center of the universe, then . . . . . it must be so! No, I'm told by the consensus "Sit down and shut up."

THAT command is anti-science.

Ask Galileo. Ask Copernicus. Science is not consensus. Science is skepticism. Skeptics must be allowed to speak and to defend what they say. Science is a moving target, the ideas, the conclusions are always, at best, an educated guess, subject to revision.

" . . . . the consensus locks skeptics out of publishing in major scientific journals . . . . "

" . . . . . several scientific consensuses before 1985 turned out to be wrong or exaggerated, e.g., saccharin, dietary fiber, fusion reactors, stratospheric ozone depletion, and even arguably acid rain and high-dose animal testing for carcinogenicity . . . . "

" . . . . keep in mind that a scientific consensus crucially determines and limits the questions researchers ask. And one should always worry about to what degree supporters of any given scientific consensus risk succumbing to confirmation bias. . . ."
Almost none of these skeptics have any education, we note.
And mostly talk utter rubbish - thats why they don't get published !!
As soon as you show them the science, they have no case.
You won't find many climate scientists saying "its not happening" - like they were wearing blindfolds.
Likewise not too many creationists get published in scientific journals either. :mrgreen:

That CO2/methane graph is a killer - possibly for ALL future generations
The oceans around the Arctic and Antarctic are warming, quite rapidly, and once the polar ice caps are gone, its going to be very much too late to do anything much about it, let alone reverse it.

We note that John Kerry was down in the Antarctic himself just recently, seeing 1st hand what is happening.
Seeing is believing..... ?

Once the oceans warm enough, they will stop absorbing CO2, and start releasing it.
As the frozen tundra warms, it will release its vast storehouse of methane and CO2.
These are termed 'tipping points' , and we seem to be approaching a number of them,
with no plan for what happens afterwards....
Leaving it to mere politicians to decide our future, possibly unto eternity, seems like a foolish plan of action.
We saw concerted action on CFC's, with little political input.
And that was a minor issue in comparison...
Donald Trump reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld, who refused to believe anything contrary to what fit his political philosophy, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This was our entry into the iraq wars, and all these years later, we are still paying the price for that "nation-building" debacle. Democracy was not reinforced, but oil reserves surely were.

The main difference is that Trump is not stuck to a political philosophy, he's stuck to his own ego. He refuses to believe he could possibly be mistaken about anything because, well, he's rich, after all, and doesn't that mean he did everything right?

Voter fraud- He refuses to believe the evidence because he can't admit Hilary beat his ass in the popular vote.

The size of the inaugural crowd- He refuses to believe the evidence because he can't admit other Presidents have been more popular.

Climate change- He refuses to believe the evidence because he thinks taking mitigating action will cost someone money, Since money is his god, anything that reduces corporate profit is antithetical to his belief system.

So reality has taken a back seat to ignorance, which is the exact quality Trump displays with anything contrary to his ego.

Many voted for Trump because they believe they are playing by the rules and still getting screwed by those who don't produce and they wanted someone who will screw the freeloaders over. This is exactly what rich conservative oligarchs like Trump think about the general population, so their wishes will be turned on them and they will get screwed even worse and on a much grander scale by those who think their great wealth is deserved, honestly accumulated, and their sole responsibility.
Combover Caligula's voters will suffer the most and after the dust settles they'll blame Hillary. ... /97042872/

Trump’s basically gaslighting them. Knowing how much they hate him, he’s constantly provoking them to go over the top. Sean Spicer’s crowd-size remarks on Saturday were all about making them seem petty and negative

The killer counter-move for the press isn’t to double down on anti-Trump messaging. The counter-move is to bolster its own trustworthiness by acting (and being) more neutral and sober, and by being more trustworthy. If the news media actually focused on reporting facts accurately and straightforwardly, on leaving opinion to the pundits, and on giving Trump a clearly fair shake, then Trump’s tactics wouldn’t work, and any actual dirt they found on him would do actual damage. He’s betting on the press being insufficiently mature and self-controlled to manage that. So far, his bet is paying off.

That’s too bad. If we had a better press, we’d be much better off as a nation, and Trump’s strategy of capitalizing on the press’s flaws is good for Trump, but will probably make that problem worse, if such a thing is possible. But the truth is, we don’t have a better press. And as long as the press is mindlessly partisan and bereft of self-discipline, capitalizing on that is just good politics.
Sean Spicer’s crowd-size remarks on Saturday were all about making them seem petty and negative

Weren't Sean Spicers comments then described as "alternative news" ?!
So, now we have fake news, alternative news and real news.

Some of those words have already been nominated as new definitions to be entered into the dictionary ?!

Someone in a similar position not so long ago ?? had known unknowns, unknown unknowns, and several more variations on this theme.
Rohan said:
Sean Spicer’s crowd-size remarks on Saturday were all about making them seem petty and negative

Weren't Sean Spicers comments then described as "alternative news" ?!
So, now we have fake news, alternative news and real news.

Some of those words have already been nominated as new definitions to be entered into the dictionary ?!

Someone in a similar position not so long ago ?? had known unknowns, unknown unknowns, and several more variations on this theme.

Danno said:
Rohan said:
Sean Spicer’s crowd-size remarks on Saturday were all about making them seem petty and negative
Weren't Sean Spicers comments then described as "alternative news" ?!
So, now we have fake news, alternative news and real news.

Some of those words have already been nominated as new definitions to be entered into the dictionary ?!

Someone in a similar position not so long ago ?? had known unknowns, unknown unknowns, and several more variations on this theme.


  • Trump seems to be doing well so far...
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Bernhard said:
Any bets on Trump on how long he will last after being sworn in as president before he drops his first clanger :?: :shock:

Well...... it didn't take him long did it :?:

Already he has banned Muslims from entering the US, mainly from all the Muslim country’s that he was afraid of sending or exporting Terrorism, but ironically not the country that he does Business with like the Saudi Arabia the one country that the guys who destroyed the Twin towers :!: :(
It is NOT a ban on Muslims but a TEMPORARY ban on ALL from these 7 country's. There are also 5 more majority Muslim country's he did NOT put a ban on. As to the twin towers 19 were Saudi's 2 from UAE along with egypt and lebanon. So when you guys going to start on his plan for the Mexican border. as has been stated * a country with out borders is not a country *

Bernhard said:
Already he has banned Muslims from entering the US, mainly from all the Muslim country’s that he was afraid of sending or exporting Terrorism, but ironically not the country that he does Business with like the Saudi Arabia the one country that the guys who destroyed the Twin towers :!: :(
bill said:
It is NOT a ban on Muslims but a TEMPORARY ban on ALL from these 7 country's. There are also 5 more majority Muslim country's he did NOT put a ban on. As to the twin towers 19 were Saudi's 2 from UAE along with egypt and lebanon. So when you guys going to start on his plan for the Mexican border. as has been stated * a country with out borders is not a country *

Bernhard said:
Already he has banned Muslims from entering the US, mainly from all the Muslim country’s that he was afraid of sending or exporting Terrorism, but ironically not the country that he does Business with like the Saudi Arabia the one country that the guys who destroyed the Twin towers :!: :(

The problem is Trump said during his campaign that he wanted to ban Muslims from entering, so this is perceived as as much ban as he could currently enact. While the scope is smaller, the intent is seen as being the same. Gun enthusiasts see any restrictions upon their rights as a step towards confiscation in the same way. Tell THEM it just isn't true.
Boeing has raised an issue with this ban. No airline customer's pilots from the "not banned" countries who are scheduled for training at Boeing's facilities will be allowed in.
Well how about this, the exclusive order on Muslim immigrants was ah hum well thought out as it temporary banded people like the Olympic gold medal winner Sir Mo Farah (Born in Somalia) but holds a duel USA & UK passport- even more stupid there is no ban on any Saudis which means that until he was USAs most wanted man a certain person from Saudi Arabia called Osama bin Laden would NOT be banned :!:
Food for though in Trump's brain -that is if he has one :!:
He has almost from the beginning stated it would be a TEMPORARY ban so they can have time to come up with a better way to vet those who are entering our country. By the way he is NOT the first POTUS to put a temporary ban on who can enter and as POTUS as even the media has stated has broad powers on this issue. Like it or not RADICAL Muslims ARE the problem by either sneaking in or radicalizing people who are here.

Danno said:
The problem is Trump said during his campaign that he wanted to ban Muslims from entering, so this is perceived as as much ban as he could currently enact. While the scope is smaller, the intent is seen as being the same.

Leading Democrats opposed entrance of Vietnamese refugees in 1976, Carter banned Iranians in 1980, Obama banned Muslims from terror states too. I guess they are all racist Muslim haters too.

The hypocrisy is rich and ripe.
well the last POTUS known a BHO had a real half brother from there and did NOTHING to help him. so much for brotherly love :roll:

Rohan said:
Seen on the BBC

Trump seems to be doing well so far...
Give the man a chance he was voted in for what he has said all along and now he is putting things on the table straight away doing what he said he would, for the peolpe to protest his winning positions to lead his counrty out of the shit well it seems he has upset all the rich and famous who really didn't do much for the counrty at all but to protect what fame and richishs they have made and are they really worth it.

Think about all the troubles in the world now and most of these troubles have been around for avery long time, how many wars have the USA been involved in, all its done is creat this big monster called terrisom and now most of them are sitting back waiting for the right time to hit and it will always be in your back yard, so no matter what has corused this to happen, these new people will bring their own little wars with them into their new countries, they brain wash their own kids to hate and its not happening in just the US of A its happening all over the world and mostly from bad policies from goverments being in power way to long.

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