Trump seems to be doing well so far...

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Everything that Trump says and does is part of a highly developed intelligent plan. We in Australia used to believe similar about Tony Abbott.
ashman said:
Give the man a chance he was voted in for what he has said all along and now he is putting things on the table straight away doing what he said he would, for the peolpe to protest his winning positions to lead his counrty out of the shit well it seems he has upset all the rich and famous who really didn't do much for the counrty at all but to protect what fame and richishs they have made and are they really worth it.
Think about all the troubles in the world now and most of these troubles have been around for avery long time, how many wars have the USA been involved in, all its done is creat this big monster called terrisom and now most of them are sitting back waiting for the right time to hit and it will always be in your back yard, so no matter what has corused this to happen, these new people will bring their own little wars with them into their new countries, they brain wash their own kids to hate and its not happening in just the US of A its happening all over the world and mostly from bad policies from goverments being in power way to long. Ashley

I am NOT against selective banning of certain people from entering the USA, here in GB we have banned certain Americans from entering GB in the past, it’s just that Trump have had quite a long time to come up with this famous exclusive order so that people with dual passports –who pose NO RISK to the USA or GB or elsewhere have been caught up in this outright ban from Trump towers :!:
A NOT very well thought out exclusive order …. A taste of more of what’s in store to come :?:
Trump maybe new to this job, and it shows-he has appointed his own counsel to advise him, and these people are supposed to have brains :?:
His "advisers" seem to be as far out of touch as he is. We're in for a difficult 4 years. If the Fart gets chopped for any reason, we'll have Pence as Prez, which I fear more than if the Fart stays full term.
Trump is a pragmatist. He has no ideology.

He peeves the self described "free traders" with tariffs and shutting down their crony "free trade" agreements.
He peeves the virtue signaling ("look at how moral and right I am") lefties with his immigration and refugee controls.

In both cases, he looks up and says "Huh? How am I against free trade? and how am I racist? I'm just doing what makes sense since we obviously don't have true free trade (rust belt, outsourcing, manufacturing shipped abroad, negative trade balances) and we suffer from 20 million plus illegal immigrants, a welfare magnet (wages kept low by cheap immigrant labor, titanic education and social welfare costs), and domestic terrorism (hundreds of shoot 'em ups by Islamic terrorists)."

The Democrat reaction is tired, old, clichéd - "you're a racist." Not a new idea in a century. Nothing constructive.
The Republican reaction is just as tired and clichéd "you're against free trade," the "business of America IS business." No new ideas either. Defend the corporate status quo.

They're both wrong. They both should admit to inconvenient facts. I'm a Libertarian. I don't agree with Trump but I do like the fact that he is metaphorically throwing bombs into the system, upsetting both the Left and the Right, creating new coalitions, forcing people to revise thought habits, forcing elites (of both Left and Right) into retreat.

And, BTW, those criminals wearing black are not "anarchists" they are communist revolutionaries, posing as anarchists. Their claim to anarchy is a blood liable to me. They disrespect the tradition of people who live together in peace, respecting each other's property rights, and trading with each other in harmony, and without need for any law. That - the non-aggression principle - is anarchy, a beautiful thing. Those thugs in black are just Leftists, common everyday ordinary boring envious thieving hating Leftists.
"throwing bombs into the system"

Isn't that the sign of a terrorist !!
Just what we need when the worlds economy is teetering on a precipice !

Other - more progressive - countries are trialling UBI - a universal basic income.
Everyone gets a basic 'salary', regardless of their position or circumstances in life.
Probably way too advanced for the USA, but who knows, in a few centuries after the after-effects of Trump (AT)....

BTW The real problem emerging under Capitalism lately is the accumulation of wealth into the
upper echelons of the population pyramid, rather than the bulk of it trickling down into the lower ranks.
Oxfam (?) identified that the 8 wealthiest geezers on the planet own as much as the lower 50% of planet earths' population combined.
Wasn't that what the French Revolution and the Oct Revolution was all about, and I dare say a few others ??

Trump doesn't seem to be fighting the same fight though.....
Well a metaphorical bomb is not terror, is it?

How about you empty your pockets, sell your Norton, give it all up for UBI?
No, you won't do that? Always other people's money, never yours.
Typical - envy, hate, hypocrisy from the Left.

Yes, under the rule of the regulatory crony Left, under phony "Capitalism lately" inequality is rising - can you say regulatory state? Clinton Foundation? Obama? General Motors? Wall Street? General Electric? Google? Soros? Yep, under your leaders, your policies, not mine, the rich have gotten richer.

The Left has not had a new idea in more than 100 years.
The Left thinks it's on the vanguard, actually it's on the rear guard.
Rohan, are you proud of thugs dressed in black, anonymously wearing hoods, breaking stuff, setting fires, and shooting pepper spray into girls faces?
I'm not one for schadenfreude but I'm going to make an exception for all the willing dupes and active racists.
Snorton74 - we are all really really tired of groundless charges of racism.
That's a big reason why Trump won. People like you wrecklessly throwing around charges of racism, sexism, homophobia . . . . Frankly, it diminishes the real thing. You're crying "wolf."

It's an excuse for thought.

If you have something to say that advances discussion, then say it.
If all you have is hate, then . . . I feel sorry for you.
In case you don't have access to international news John, Trump's (and Bannons) ban on muslim immigration into the USA has not been taken well overseas - many nations have taken it as a declaration of war on islam.

Iran has fired off a ballistic missile test, and declared it will never actually START a war.
Although that also has to do with Trump also reneging on Irans nuclear program stuff and sanctions.

Diplomacy comes from many years of quiet work, not from a bull-in-a-china-shop approach.
Lets see if we can now get to next weekend without WW3 being formally declared. ?

Although, did I see Trump suggesting the US would send in the military if Mexico didn't pay for the wall !!
How to win friends and influence people....
Rohan said:
In case you don't have access to international news John, Trump's (and Bannons) ban on muslim immigration into the USA has not been taken well overseas - many nations have taken it as a declaration of war on islam.

Iran has fired off a ballistic missile test, and declared it will never actually START a war.
Although that also has to do with Trump also reneging on Irans nuclear program stuff and sanctions.

Diplomacy comes from many years of quiet work, not from a bull-in-a-china-shop approach.
Lets see if we can now get to next weekend without WW3 being formally declared. ?

Although, did I see Trump suggesting the US would send in the military if Mexico didn't pay for the wall !!
How to win friends and influence people....

Rohan, previously according to you, we are all either going to die of famine due to global economic collapse or fry to death due to global warming, now we're all gonna die in WW3, and possibly before next weekend.

At least no one could accuse you of being over optimistic ...!
Global warming is a VERY long term problem, so we are good for next weekend, at least !
But literally millions of future generations would probably prefer that we didn't just "kick the can down the road for others to deal with later", as someone so neatly put it. Those polar ice caps are important....

Politics though, is dealing with the public, and gently leading them by the short and curlies to where they don't want to go. CONFIDENCE is everything, and Mr Trumps confrontational style seems to lack a certain something.
Before the election, many reputable economists suggested that Mr Trumps policies could take confidence out of the economy, and that could well provoke a recession. And his stated policies didn't seem to have any fundings or systems of funding worked out, which seems a little unprepared, to say the least. Time will tell, won't it.

This is the BBC's take on it
'Chaos' is a word that seems to appear in news reports a lot these last few weeks. ?

And someones private effort, perhaps just as accurate.

And then there is this take on it...

Remember, nearly 75% of american voters didn't vote for Mr Trump, and they are allowed to have an opinion.
So are the rest of the worlds population, as many of the decisions will affect them too.
It hasn't been outlawed - yet.
There is also the less than formal news organisations other than the BBC.

Trump seems to be doing well so far...
good listen and he is right on the mark . i will add that the left have taken over the education system and forced there ideology down the throats of young Americas.

NORTSTER1974 said:
Here's one for you, right from the mouth of a liberal democrat governor. Listen to the audio. Scary huh?
The BBC can only be described as TRAGIC . These Days .

Or inept hysterical emasculated delusional blather .

prop·a·gan·da (prŏp′ə-găn′də)
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.

One definition is , If It appeals to Ones EMOTIONS rather than ones LOGIC , it IS Propaganda .

Most of it is missinformation and manipulation / indoctrination of the mindless masses .
Check Yahoo NZ for extremist feminist s lander malice and gossip .

Most of the deranged trools are obviously of severely limited culpibility , analitical capability , impartiality , and comprehenshion of global social degenarcy and barbarity past belief. Theirs .

Trump seems to be doing well so far...

If you study the ' Fuedal ' Middle East in this ( Imperial ) Era , and the pre mechanised era , Id think youd understand ' democracy ' in those parts would lead to a rabble leading a shambles ,
as in the monetrest west nowadays . Just like ' olde blighty ' . pre WWII , and on . ' The West inciting ' the arab spring , and all the ' Liberation ' in those countrys , has only engendered
a bloodbath , chaos , and distruction .

Anyone Would Think it was ENGINEERED .

If theyed got the useless gits to reaforest the place , as Hussain had started , the corrent climate ' blow out ' would have been on the way to being averted .What would happen if you cut down HALF the Worlds forests . or more .
They Have , in the age of ' civilisation ' . or is that capital;ist agrandisement and delusion . olde Chap .
Trump seems to be doing well so far...

Anybody would think the poms were a pack of patroniseing ( self ) bastardised peasnts , endevouringg to reduce mankind to its lowest common level . Their social history Re ' rights is abominable .
Is it a guilt trip theyre trying to inflict on mankind . Barbarianism / . Intresting that a sector of their army was convicts crimials and scum , in their inspired ( intelligence ) invasion of Iraq .
read a few biographies of their troops .

If Churchill had his way , nuklear armements would have been banished . 1948 . But theres money to be made , by the neuclear industry , wot .
And the more brainless twerps ( consumers ) on the planet , the more money there will be for the industrialists to choke on .

Trump seems to be doing well so far...
Thats why the murricans have a constitution and a bill of rights, Matt.
They'd seen the Britts in action. !

It must be said though that the British people had a history of having fought long and hard - against their king and country ! From Magna Carta in 1215, to a number of civil wars, and through to the the Poll Tax riots as just mentioned and then to Brexit, the people had slowly crawled out of the mire of 'government' and asserted their voice over the past near 1000 years.

Whether Mr Trump is now going to respect that constitution seems to be the current burning question.
Rough start for a new prez ?
When we have neoliberal globalisation, a Bill Of Rights becomes essential. It is regulation which stops horrible things from happening -OR NOT. With all this newfound freedom, we need many more laws and bigger jails.
acotrel said:
When we have neoliberal globalisation, a Bill Of Rights becomes essential. It is regulation which stops horrible things from happening -OR NOT. With all this newfound freedom, we need many more laws and bigger jails.

No need for more laws, just enforce the ones on the books.
NORTSTER1974 said:
acotrel said:
When we have neoliberal globalisation, a Bill Of Rights becomes essential. It is regulation which stops horrible things from happening -OR NOT. With all this newfound freedom, we need many more laws and bigger jails.

No need for more laws, just enforce the ones on the books.

Right now, we're busy gutting the ones on the books we don't like. Like the banking regulations that were written to prevent the hedge-fund managers and bankers from going berserk and pushing the world economy back to the edge of collapse like they have done so many times in the past when regulations were lax. And those pesky environmental laws that keep large corporations from dumping their nasty leftovers into the air and water so they don't have to spend profits on public responsibility. Who needs a job or clean air and water? Of course, we are passing more laws about keeping immigrants out. The natives would have loved that back in the 1400s.
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