Tinnitus Help

I've had it for many years. Tried the method in your link. No effect yet - but will keep trying.
Also going to try (for a while) the four methods in this link (listen from the 3 minute mark for the methods)
This video came as a Youtube "suggestion"
Thanks & Cheers
Not wishing to offend but the first video mentions Eric Berg who is a quack of the first order.
This TED Talk presentation reveals current understanding of what Tinnitus is.

Can be caused by damage to certain vibration sensing cells in the inner ear from excessively high noise levels for prolonged duration. But it is not actually the damaged cells making the ringing sensation, it is the brain. Also associated with high stress situations. The damaged cells then fail to send signals to the brain for the sound frequencies they are responsible for. The brain handles these missing signals by trying to fill in the gaps by expanding signals from frequencies either side of missing ones. This is similar to what happens in the retina of eye where the optic nerve attaches, forming a blind spot. We are not aware of it b/c brain masks it, filling in missing area by expanding signal from nearby areas. Also related to Phantom Limb effect where an amputated limb can itch or tingle as the brain tries to compensate for missing signals.
The Tinnitus treatments describe in many of the videos are trying to reset the signals to the brain, to get it to stop "filling in" missing signals constantly.
My tinnitus stems from too many years of unprotected hearing from firearms, playing in a rock band, rock concerts, car and motorcycle engines (usually with straight pipes) and lots of exposure to explosives as well as being married for 44 years.

I've been tested by one of the best audiology clinics in the country. Those specialists didn't mention tapping on the back of my noggin' nor prescribe any meds. I did have my left ear operated on, nothing like an injection needle at work in your inner ear to come up with a few new words.
They did explain the physiology of my damaged hearing and made their recommendations in how to deal with the hearing loss.
I inquired about reversing my tinnitus, the specialists I consulted with made it clear the days of clear sound are gone and tinnitus in NOT reversible.

Honestly, these days most of what I hear is BS anyway so I am not really losing out on too much.
I DO wear hearing aids in specific social settings, interacting with my grandkids, etc. I don't wear them riding my bike, its proper tone is easy to recognize.
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See if it goes away on it's own as it is a flu symptom. This is what I have heard
Well - to quote Gomer Pyle - "Surprise, surprise, surprise!!"
I've tried both @Tornado 's "method" and this in my link (#3) fairly regularly over the last 24 hours aaand....
(drumroll please)
No detectable change.
I've suffered from it for years along with age related hearing loss. I got hearing aids 9 months ago and it has helped with the tinnitus more than I thought it would. I think that now I can hear more of what's going on around me my brain doesn't focus so much on the ringing. My biggest problem was without the hearing aids, if I was someplace with a lot of background noise like in a pub or resturant, I had a hard time understanding what the person next to me was saying. Now that I can hear more I still have a hard time because the background noise is as amplified as the voice of the person next to me.
I've suffered from it for years along with age related hearing loss. I got hearing aids 9 months ago and it has helped with the tinnitus more than I thought it would. I think that now I can hear more of what's going on around me my brain doesn't focus so much on the ringing. My biggest problem was without the hearing aids, if I was someplace with a lot of background noise like in a pub or resturant, I had a hard time understanding what the person next to me was saying. Now that I can hear more I still have a hard time because the background noise is as amplified as the voice of the person next to me.
I am with you Mike. Exactly the same. The hearing aids help in places with noisy backgrounds, nice to have a conversation again. I realized after 10 years it is not going away ( both ears). I found out I am deaf for upper tones. The audiologist said my brain is compensating for the upper tones and that’s why I have it. It was amazing, I did not know what I could not hear until I got the hearing aids. I think it helps the tinnitus if I leave the aids in like the audiologist said it would. The problem is I really don’t want to hear a lot these days, so I wear them only if going out or want to watch a movie etc.. For example doing dishes with hearing aids in is a nightmare. Wine helps in my case. Helps me sleep. I never wear them while riding…
I been suffering Tinnitus since I first started working at 15 in loud factories and workshops from grinders and industrial noise, to loud concerts and music, it don't go away as I am now 63 the ringing in my ears are there 24/7, so use to it, it don't bother me only when I think about it, my hearing is still good but my wife has bad hearing and has hearing aids with the plastic cubes that go into the ears, she gets them from QU here in Brisbane from the audio section of the University, recondition hearing aids, they also told me that they be good for my Tinnitus, so maybe I will get a set one day.

I was told to get these: https://www.oticon.com/ if I wear them all the time they definitely help with tinnitus (takes a few days). They have a volume control and you can listen ocean background if you wish. They tuned them up to especially fix me up. They were very expensive, and the insurance paid for some of it. They help for sure. I need to wear them more often. I have my tinnitus from guns and also being in ship engine rooms for years, even though I always wore hearing protection. Often if you are right handed and fire a weapon on that side you get tinnitus only on the right, my audiologist said that’s very common. My hearing is more messed up on the right. I know I got it for ever now.
It is difficult when the ears are not as good as they used to be. Hearing loss is gradual with mine, after 40+ years of noisy equipment and loud music I became wise and started wearing ear protection when working with tools but I still turn up the volume with tunes and I always will. Most of my mates are the same so it can get quite loud with conversation amongst us. I birdwatch for a hobby and exercise my ears daily. Listening for the different calls and songs from the birds in a silent environment helps me to preserve that sense.
A lifetime of industrial & recreational noise, much of it unprotected. Suffered with tinnitus for decades. Denial of deafness the last 5 years. These changed the game:
Fun Fact #1 : 3 out of the top 5 hearing aid companies in the world are Danish
Sonova - Swiss with 31%
Demant (Oticon, Bernafon + others) - Danish 30%
WS Audiology (Widex and Sevantos) - Danish 19%
GN Resound - Danish 15%
Starkey - US 4%
Others 1%

Fun Fact #2 - 3 of these companies have their global HQ within 30km of where I am sitting now.

The largest supplier of 3D design software in the Audio industry is also Danish, with something like 85"% of the world market.
I have ringing in the ears all the time. But it hasn't been a problem so far. Right ear hearing is less than what it should be as well. My old lady, a serious case, got her implant a few months ago and is happy with it. She reminds me constantly not to wait to get hearing aids the sooner you get them the better your brain will be able to make use of them.
...naturally I say later :-).
Fun Fact #1 : 3 out of the top 5 hearing aid companies in the world are Danish
Sonova - Swiss with 31%
Demant (Oticon, Bernafon + others) - Danish 30%
WS Audiology (Widex and Sevantos) - Danish 19%
GN Resound - Danish 15%
Starkey - US 4%
Others 1%

Fun Fact #2 - 3 of these companies have their global HQ within 30km of where I am sitting now.

The largest supplier of 3D design software in the Audio industry is also Danish, with something like 85"% of the world market.
I have a feeling you're going somewhere with this but just can't work out what it is.
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A lifetime of industrial & recreational noise, much of it unprotected. Suffered with tinnitus for decades. Denial of deafness the last 5 years. These changed the game:
I'm the same 45 years so far of a 9" disc grinder on off 8-10 hrs a day
And the first 30 years or so with no hearing protection has taken its toll
Then people telling me it's riding loud motorcycles that's done it!!
I'd say it's all taken its toll !!!
I'm still in the denial phase at the moment !
These signs went up where I work a year or so ago
Very very funny they are too
Can you imagine how much work would get done if you stuck to them!!!


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