Oil filter choice

Jan 1, 2024
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My '73 750 Hi-Rider has a spin-on canister filter on it. Can someone verify whether or not the '73s were originally factory fitted with the spin-on filter set up, or may it possibly have been an add on. I've read posts here on the forum that indicated that at some time in '72 Norton did start installing the spin-on set up. I've also read in a listing by an Ebay seller selling filters (Emgo) that '73 and forward that the 850s had the spin-on filter set up but claims that most 750 Commandos did not come with an external filter. My bike has the build date of 1/73 on the i.d. plate. Anyway, what filters are members using or can recommend, or any cross reference numbers to commonly available filters. I'd assume many are using the "Norton" stamped filter. Are these filters produced for Andover Norton, and therefore are able to use/print the Norton name on them? AN sells the "Norton" filter at a reasonable price, but by the time you add the VAT and shipping, then not quite so cheap.
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My '73 750 Hi-Rider has a spin-on canister filter on it. Can someone verify whether or not the '73s were originally factory fitted with the spin-on filter set up, or may it possibly have been an add on. I've read posts here on the forum that indicated that at some time in '72 Norton did start installing the spin-on set up. I've also read in a listing by an Ebay seller selling filters (Emgo) that '73 and forward that the 850s had the spin-on filter set up but claims that most 750 Commandos did not come with an external filter. My bike has the build date of 1/73 on the i.d. plate. Anyway, what filters are members using or can recommed, or any cross reference numbers to commonly available filters. I'd assume many are using the "Norton" stamped filter. Are these filters produced for Andover Norton, and therefore are able to use/print the Norton name on them? AN sells the "Norton" filter at a reasonable price, but by the time you add the VAT and shipping, then not quite so cheap.
Yes, your bike came with the filter. You do not pay VAT or customs. I use the AN filters so I don't know about the rest of your questions.
You do not pay VAT or customs.
So even though the Andover Norton prices say excluding VAT, that would be the actual price at the current exchange rate, plus shipping to the U.S.? Not trying to sound dim here, but when I researched what the VAT tax was, it indicated that it is 20 per cent additional tax on any items sold/shipped out of the country.
As previously stated, no VAT tax is charged for products shipped to USA. Listen to seasoned professionals. No one here
wants to steer you wrongly.
So even though the Andover Norton prices say excluding VAT, that would be the actual price at the current exchange rate, plus shipping to the U.S.? Not trying to sound dim here, but when I researched what the VAT tax was, it indicated that it is 20 per cent additional tax on any items sold/shipped out of the country.
No, it's what people in the UK pay. You do not pay it. Also, our government does not charge customs duties from most countries to the US on most motorcycle parts. So, you pay the listed price and shipping - nothing more.
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Paying shipping costs from the UK to the US for an oil filter is never a good idea, unless you are bundling it with a much larger purchase.
Look at the cross reference guide LAB pointed to and work with your local auto joint.
Or find a British bike parts supplier who will ship domestically.
No, it's what people in the UK pay. You do not pay it. Also, our government does not charge customs duties from most countries to the US on most motorcycle parts. So, you pay the listed price and shipping - nothing more.
Yep over here when we buy from abroad we get stung for VAT and import duty
And as has happened to me an additional handling fee from "parcel force "
I've virtually stopped buying from abroad now
My '73 750 Hi-Rider has a spin-on canister filter on it. Can someone verify whether or not the '73s were originally factory fitted with the spin-on filter set up, or may it possibly have been an add on. I've read posts here on the forum that indicated that at some time in '72 Norton did start installing the spin-on set up. I've also read in a listing by an Ebay seller selling filters (Emgo) that '73 and forward that the 850s had the spin-on filter set up but claims that most 750 Commandos did not come with an external filter. My bike has the build date of 1/73 on the i.d. plate. Anyway, what filters are members using or can recommend, or any cross reference numbers to commonly available filters. I'd assume many are using the "Norton" stamped filter. Are these filters produced for Andover Norton, and therefore are able to use/print the Norton name on them? AN sells the "Norton" filter at a reasonable price, but by the time you add the VAT and shipping, then not quite so cheap.
Though no VAT is charged on non UK sales, the shipping is very high as AN uses DHL, at least into Canada. The courier then adds their own "Brokerage" charge after the package is on the way...basically holding it hostage until you cough up the added fee.

I use HiFlo HF153 filters on my Commando, available locally less then $9.

Do NOT be tempted to use the K&N "Wrench Off" filter with the hex nut tack welded to casing. Many reports of these failing at those tack weld points over the years. A guy on the TRat forum had a seized engine bc of this failure....could have been a bad accident as well from oil all over rear wheel. Eventually KN paid for a new engine, and product was recalled nationwide. Since reappearing, further failures are still being reported. Steer clear!
Paying shipping costs from the UK to the US for an oil filter is never a good idea, unless you are bundling it with a much larger purchase.
Look at the cross reference guide LAB pointed to and work with your local auto joint.
Or find a British bike parts supplier who will ship domestically.
Exactly! Here's a real-world example:

Today, the filter (06.3371) added to the cart for a US person is $8.54. Shipping is $16.91 so you'll pay $25.45 delivered if you buy that one item. Depending on where you live, buying just that filter from me, the shipping would be between $6.74 and $14.00 and the price is $10.00. So, between $16.74 and $24.00 delivered. If you added a lot of parts that fit the box from me, the max shipping anywhere in the US would still be $14.00 and if your east of the Mississippi and not too heavy, less than $10.00.

How can this be? The last order I made to AN that included filters was a small one for me at $1031.44.
Though no VAT is charged on non UK sales, the shipping is very high as AN uses DHL, at least into Canada. The courier then adds their own "Brokerage" charge after the package is on the way...basically holding it hostage until you cough up the added fee.

I use HiFlo HF153 filters on my Commando, available locally less then $9.

Do NOT be tempted to use the K&N "Wrench Off" filter with the hex nut tack welded to casing. Many reports of these failing at those tack weld points over the years. A guy on the TRat forum had a seized engine bc of this failure....could have been a bad accident as well from oil all over rear wheel. Eventually KN paid for a new engine, and product was recalled nationwide. Since reappearing, further failures are still being reported. Steer clear!
I guess that's a common practice to Canada but not to the US. DHL likes to try to charge customs and their handling fee, but I dispute it and win every time. There are no customs to the US on HSS code 8714.10.0050 which covers the parts we order. On my last AMAL order they used code 8714.10.0090 which was and is valid but the UPS system does not show 0090 only 0050 - took a couple of days but that was fixed. I simply refuse to pay what I do not owe, and I ignore the threats to return the package(s) if I don't pay - that would hurt the shipper and carrier, not me.

I had one UPS order that they tried after delivery to get me to pay a brokerage fee. I simply refused. It was a large order from the UK and I paid a LOT for shipping. Then they wanted $200 more. I told them to talk to their customer which was not me. They tried to say that since they delivered to me, I was the customer - I forcefully explained that I have no contract with them, I had no account with them, and if they thought they deserved more money they needed to talk to their customer! Once I refused, they gave up. They also did not go back to their customer.
Dave Comeau published a list in 1989, but I don’t see it on atlanticgreen.com any longer.
NVT part 06-3371 low bypass pressure 8-14 psi (stock reference)
Crossland 631 low bypass same as NVT
Mahle OC 5 12-16 psi
Mann W713 13 psi
NAPA 1352 (Crossland supplied)
WIPAC CA111 12 psi
WIX 51352 (OEM to NAPA)

Filter dimension
16mm x 1.5mm thread
3.4” tall canister
2.9” diameter

I have also used Fram PH7202

As mentioned all 850 had filters. I don’t recall if my ‘73 750 had one originally or I added it. All other 750 did not have a filter other than the sump screen which was deleted for ‘72-‘73 750 crankcases. I added a Norton spin on filter kit to my current ‘72 750.
I guess that's a common practice to Canada but not to the US. DHL likes to try to charge customs and their handling fee, but I dispute it and win every time. There are no customs to the US on HSS code 8714.10.0050 which covers the parts we order. On my last AMAL order they used code 8714.10.0090 which was and is valid but the UPS system does not show 0090 only 0050 - took a couple of days but that was fixed. I simply refuse to pay what I do not owe, and I ignore the threats to return the package(s) if I don't pay - that would hurt the shipper and carrier, not me.

I had one UPS order that they tried after delivery to get me to pay a brokerage fee. I simply refused. It was a large order from the UK and I paid a LOT for shipping. Then they wanted $200 more. I told them to talk to their customer which was not me. They tried to say that since they delivered to me, I was the customer - I forcefully explained that I have no contract with them, I had no account with them, and if they thought they deserved more money they needed to talk to their customer! Once I refused, they gave up. They also did not go back to their customer.
Yes, no duty on parts for vintage bikes/car into Canada as well. But DHL will still charge their brokerage fee for acting as the importing broker, plus federal sales tax is collected by them. The only way to avoid the brokerage fee is to tell them you want to perform the brokerage yourself, get the bill of lading doc from them, take that to a customs offce to present to them, pay the sales tax, then take the cleared import doc to DHL for pacakge collection in person. A wee bit of leg work to say the least.
So even though the Andover Norton prices say excluding VAT, that would be the actual price at the current exchange rate, plus shipping to the U.S.? Not trying to sound dim here, but when I researched what the VAT tax was, it indicated that it is 20 per cent additional tax on any items sold/shipped out of the country.
No. VAT is not collected on goods shipped out of the UK. In fact if you buy for export while actually in the country you can go to the VAT office at the airport and get the VAT refunded.

However it is common for the customs in the receiving country to charge the receiving countries VAT, GST or other sales tax when the goods are imported.

The USA is very unusual in that local sales tax is collected even when goods are exported. (Edit. Wrong. See post from Greig below. )

But! In New Zealand anyway the local retailers got upset that people were importing items that no overseas sales tax was payable on. But if they sold the same item in NZ they had to charge 15% GST. Especially for small items which customs did not charge duty on. Supposedly anything under $50 duty cost more to assess and collect than it was worth. This hurt local bookseller for example pretty heavily. So a law was passed that required Amazon for example to collect and charge this sales duty.

You can imagine the ensuing shambles.

Bottom line if I import Andover parts valued less than cost times 15% equal NZ$50 I don't pay duty.

You would think it was just governments being greedy but it can really make a difference to economies. It's part of the international tax credit industry. Ireland has very low corporate tax for example. So registering a head office there and charging huge royalties to subsidiaries in other countries to minimise their world wide tax is a favourite game. Apple are good at this I understand.
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No. VAT is not collected on goods shipped out of the UK. In fact if you buy for export while actually in the country you can go to the VAT office at the airport and get the VAT refunded.

However it is common for the customs in the receiving country to charge the receiving countries VAT, GST or other sales tax when the goods are imported.

The USA is very unusual in that local sales tax is collected even when goods are exported.
Local sales tax is not collected when sent anywhere out of the sending state unless the business sending has a presence in the receiving state and the state, and the receiving state has sales tax.

If anyone in the US tries to charge you state sales tax, you need to question it! There is NO US sales tax - only state sales tax.

For instance, I have a presence in Virginia so only when shipping to Virginia or when someone comes to me in Virginia do I collect sales tax and give it to the county who distributes it.

Amazon has a presence everywhere, so they collect for every state that has sales tax - they do not collect for the state they are in - they collect for the receiving state which is a royal PITA from an IT standpoint. eBay got special (nonsensical) treatment from congress a few years ago and they are now considered the seller with presence everywhere so they must collect when sending to states that have sales tax.

Not all states have sales tax, and the rate varies widely. In fact, in some states the rates vary by county and even city in some cases.

Basically, the states, to a point, are sovereign and one state cannot tax another.