
Oct 19, 2013
Hi all just regeistered helping a friend put a 1972 750 commando together hope to be asking lots of questions and seeking help and advice pulled the barrels and head off for inspection all looking good as do the bores so a great start so are there any major faults problems to be aware of ?? And the frame will shortly be off to the blasters so paint,stove enamel or powder coat many thanks :D
Come on in Maddmick, the water is turbulent especially as concerns the most remarkable model of the bunch > a rip sNorton Combat. Of course that can be taken more than one way but I'm hooked on mine. Your post belongs in the main forum so copy over there for more responses of congrats to I told ya so... In the meantime every Combat handler should have this basic back ground to work up from till absolutely the Cream of the Commando lot. VarooOOOM.... Decent ones are under 13 sec 1/4 mile capable if ya hard hearted enough.
We see you've met Steve. Hang on to your seatbelt.

What condition is the bike in? Pictures are always welcome.