Dan here from Joshua Tree, CA.
I’ve been working on BSA’s for a bit but got the Norton bug. A few months ago I picked up a 73’ 850 in pieces. The motor was dropped off at a friend who inspected it, changes the rings, and declared it healthy. The gearbox had been rebuilt by a shop and never used. It should be pretty fun to put back together.
And then last week.. I found this 76 850 and had to pick it up! It’s been sitting for a while but looks like it was well taken care of at one point. The motor turns freely but has had a tank of old gas sitting it in for maybe ten years? It has a single manifold and a Mikuni carb, a HUGE front rotor with what appears to be a Brembo caliper, an interested head steady, stainless oil lines, and a Corbin seat. It has a few problems (front forks have no life, tires, battery, etc) that I’m sorting it all out now.
I’d love to get your thoughts!
Dan here from Joshua Tree, CA.
I’ve been working on BSA’s for a bit but got the Norton bug. A few months ago I picked up a 73’ 850 in pieces. The motor was dropped off at a friend who inspected it, changes the rings, and declared it healthy. The gearbox had been rebuilt by a shop and never used. It should be pretty fun to put back together.
And then last week.. I found this 76 850 and had to pick it up! It’s been sitting for a while but looks like it was well taken care of at one point. The motor turns freely but has had a tank of old gas sitting it in for maybe ten years? It has a single manifold and a Mikuni carb, a HUGE front rotor with what appears to be a Brembo caliper, an interested head steady, stainless oil lines, and a Corbin seat. It has a few problems (front forks have no life, tires, battery, etc) that I’m sorting it all out now.
I’d love to get your thoughts!