I need some advice please with my MK111's gear slection problems.
It jumps outta 1st when pulling off from a stand still and it will also jump back into first when coasting to a stop after selecting neutral. This invariably happens just after I've selected neutral and let out the clutch, at very low speed. This is done as neutral CAN be very difficult to slect from standstill, but not alway, sometimes it'll slip right in..
A wee bit of background to the bike. I got it probably less that two years ago and had to recomission as the previous owner had it rebuild by Norman White of Andover, rode it less than 100 miles then left it in his garage. That was twenty years ago.
So after a few months work and upgrades it was running beautifully but the gearbox has never been smooth.
I've put probably a couple of thousand miles on the clock since, no more than that.
Among the receipts I got with the bike was the list of parts and work supplied by Norman White. It was a very comprehensive rebuild including stripping and checking over the box. There are three bearings marked as new on the receipt as follows.
L J 1 ½ 2Z
NF203 C3
L J 5/8
Can anyone tell from these numbers if they are gearbox bearings?
I have the bike up on the bench and the box stripped stripped out with the shell still in situe. The layshaft bearing has definately been replaced with a roller type and my next job is to mount the layshft betweeen centres and check for true, but as it was already done proffesionaly I'm not expecting anything untoward there.
Also supplied and fitted by Mr White were the Primary chain, Rear sprocket and clutch cable. Can't think of anything alse relevant on his list that might contribute to this problem.
I have also replaced the springs inside the gearbox cover and set the ratchet spring (a coupla times) as per the intructions to the point where I'm happy it's correct.
I stripped out the clutch plates and cleaned them up, adjusted the clutch a coupla times but all to no avail.
I've had a look at the camplate and it doesn't feel loose in it's bush but intend removing anyway just to check, along with the quadrant. Also I'll check the camplate plunger to ensure it's not worn flat and the spring length is correct.
I really want to get to the bottom of this before spring as it's ruining an otherwise smashin ride, but am at a loss. I thought about sending it off for a proffessional rebuild would prefer to experience the learning curve so I can sort it myself next time.
Any help and suggestions greatly appreciated in advance.
I need some advice please with my MK111's gear slection problems.
It jumps outta 1st when pulling off from a stand still and it will also jump back into first when coasting to a stop after selecting neutral. This invariably happens just after I've selected neutral and let out the clutch, at very low speed. This is done as neutral CAN be very difficult to slect from standstill, but not alway, sometimes it'll slip right in..
A wee bit of background to the bike. I got it probably less that two years ago and had to recomission as the previous owner had it rebuild by Norman White of Andover, rode it less than 100 miles then left it in his garage. That was twenty years ago.
So after a few months work and upgrades it was running beautifully but the gearbox has never been smooth.
I've put probably a couple of thousand miles on the clock since, no more than that.
Among the receipts I got with the bike was the list of parts and work supplied by Norman White. It was a very comprehensive rebuild including stripping and checking over the box. There are three bearings marked as new on the receipt as follows.
L J 1 ½ 2Z
NF203 C3
L J 5/8
Can anyone tell from these numbers if they are gearbox bearings?
I have the bike up on the bench and the box stripped stripped out with the shell still in situe. The layshaft bearing has definately been replaced with a roller type and my next job is to mount the layshft betweeen centres and check for true, but as it was already done proffesionaly I'm not expecting anything untoward there.
Also supplied and fitted by Mr White were the Primary chain, Rear sprocket and clutch cable. Can't think of anything alse relevant on his list that might contribute to this problem.
I have also replaced the springs inside the gearbox cover and set the ratchet spring (a coupla times) as per the intructions to the point where I'm happy it's correct.
I stripped out the clutch plates and cleaned them up, adjusted the clutch a coupla times but all to no avail.
I've had a look at the camplate and it doesn't feel loose in it's bush but intend removing anyway just to check, along with the quadrant. Also I'll check the camplate plunger to ensure it's not worn flat and the spring length is correct.
I really want to get to the bottom of this before spring as it's ruining an otherwise smashin ride, but am at a loss. I thought about sending it off for a proffessional rebuild would prefer to experience the learning curve so I can sort it myself next time.
Any help and suggestions greatly appreciated in advance.