I have a Beeline, I hadn't noticed a GPS speedo option, is this a new function?
Navigation is as good (or not) as any sat-nav, and the Beeline app does the same oddities as a Garmin or TomTom, i.e. taking odd detours along minor roads if it thinks it may save a few yards off your journey. Cannot beat a map and a bit of human thought...
The 'director' is OK, I have the handlebar mount and it sits well on the Commando's 'bars near the clamp on the top yoke. The cheapest Beeline is plastic bodied, only the more expensive ones are metal cased. Not sure if thats much of an issue. The display is visible enough most of the time, bright sunlight may make the screen harder to see.
Routes can be planned and then modified on the app, but it can be fiddly dragging and dropping a route line on a phone screen. The Beeline app works with a tablet, and routes that are prepared on a tablet will be saved in your Beeline account for use with your phone. An app that does that on a PC would be handy.
It isnt (yet?) possible to sent waypoints or planned routes to someone else's Beeline, it would be handy to be able to do that.
The only thing that may be problematic is not having a map display if you want to check where you are (or are not...) other than stopping to look at your phone.
I have found that an old Garmin clamped on the 'bars and powered by a USB charger battery works just as well (so long as it doesnt rain).