Podtronic Reg/Rectifier placement

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Aug 5, 2017
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Hi Guys
Recently purchased podtronic Reg/Rectifier from AN along with the mounting plate. the photo of the mounted unit shows the cables exiting out the top of the unit.... this isn't good practice is it?? any potential water/moisture on a poor gland seal will allow moisture in...
But with the cabling coming out the bottom they will probably be visible when standing alongside the machine

I have also installed a new 3 phase alternator, and when you attempt to join the Pod unit to the Alternator wiring.... you cant as the wires are too short (this is with the cables out the top or bottom!!)
Anyway its no big deal... so to my question i need to purchase some cable, researching various cable sites what amperage cable do i need for the 3 yellow supply cables into the Regulator
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16 ga wire would be 100% over rated even if your alternator was 300 watts, which I suspect it is not.

I would go with 14 ga, not because of the amperage requirement, but because of availability and the mechanical strength of larger wire in a bullet connector.

The 3 phase kit I purchased from CNW mounts at back of the battery tray, with the cables routed down along the lower frame tube and under the primary
The 3 phase kit I purchased from CNW mounts at back of the battery tray, with the cables routed down along the lower frame tube and under the primary
On the underside of the battery tray or in the spare space beside the battery?
On the underside of the battery tray or in the spare space beside the battery?

Beside/behind the battery, there's a special L shaped bracket that comes with it, and the wires out of the RR have been extended.
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