Tri-Spark for Commandos and more!

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May 22, 2004
During the Triples Rally at Caloundra I had ample opportunity to talk with Steve Kelly and others regarding the Tri-Spark system.

I believe that these are will be available for the twins.. the result is quite spectacular as can be seen via the attached vid which I just posted on U Tube ~

This bike was not a happy puppy on Saturday but was transformed after Steve Kelly fitted a Tri-Spark on the Sunday ~

I bought a kit direct from the man himself at the rally ~ so no freight addons etc and it cost me $340 AUD for the Triple system ~

There are cheaper but I wonder if there are better for the $$

Apparently the big winner is the point that the Tri_Spark will fire at 8 volts.. lets see a Boyer do that ~

And from what I have been told the positives are long and smooth !

Easy start.. smooth running.. performance curves.. all the good bits we like to hear!
I'm still waiting for replies from the Uk distributor. Had they responded I would have bought a Tri-Spark. In the mean time Boyer sent me a replacement and is it working well. A definite improvement over the old one, perhaps it was faulty from new??
If the Boyer fails again I'll more than likely go down the Tri-Spark route but only if the UK end livens up.

cash said:
I'm still waiting for replies from the Uk distributor. Had they responded I would have bought a Tri-Spark.

There are (at least) two vendors selling Tri-Spark systems in the UK, I'm not sure either of them are the 'UK distributor' = L P Williams or Triple Cycles (Phil Pick). Maybe Phil Pick is the UK distributor, as he has been selling them the longest?
So if that's who you've tried to contact, then he is away on holiday at the moment.

Thanks for the heads! Have to pass and simply keep the battery up to par. Been Boyer since 75 or 76 and had it go twice...dead as a doornail...but the times in between have been nice with no points to adjust....but for that price, have to wait till the cows come home before I can fit something like that. Mine starts first kick anyway, cold and hot. Bet I'm not the only one to be daunted though, by such a price...can't be the only forum member who would fit into the less than well paid, and not even always able to get work, bracket... I sweat when I have to fill the tank...(60 Bucks) and the cost of a tire...LOL...but it is nice to see there are some nice toys to look forward :wink:
Stuart SS said:
the Tri_Spark will fire at 8 volts.. lets see a Boyer do that ~

Oh, I reckon it'll spark alright...Just try it, but best to book an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon first ! :shock:
cash said:
I reckon he's been on holiday since the Manx GP.


He's not been away that long (as Stuart SS will testify I'm sure) so I don't know why he didn't reply if he actually got your e-mail? (presuming it was an e-mail that you sent him?).
Well ~Yes ~ dead right... Phil Pick is still on Holidays.. and on restricted mail as it were..

He flew to the US ~ Australia ~ Thailand and back to UK .. he will be back in the ol' limey he told me on the 12th of Oct.. but I also know there are A LOT of people requesting his services ~

(We are anticipating his migration application very shortly to boot!! 8) :lol: )

(I am sending him a load of snap from the rally which he sort through and complete his feature to appear in The Triple Echo mag. )

SO normal transmission will be resume shortly ~ :lol:

As for the Tri_Spark I was going to for-go the set and stick with points for the time being too. But after the rally weekend and talking to many people ~ plus Steve was offering cable kits and plugs ends etc as part of the package for the weekend ; I folded and my wallet exposed!!! :lol:

I have to say I found Mr Steve Kelly a very congenial business man ~

Paul Bryant is also a gentle man ~ apart from his choice of T-shirts on the weekend of the rally ~ Saturday judging~

Tri-Spark for Commandos and more!

Bikes judges Sat 29 Oct ~ Paul Bryant Viking Exhaust ~ Phil Pick UK Triple Cycles -Triples Guru ~ Yours Truly Stuart SS and Paul Kelly Tri-Spark .

Paul Kelly demos his Tri-Spark Application ~

Tri-Spark for Commandos and more!

I took the liberty of contacting Phil P myself and asked if he had inquiry regarding UK supply of Tri-Spark for twins.

He says he is still in Bangkok but will be back in UK soon.. and will check his mail.. given such an inquiry was directed to him..

As he suggested, it could be such a mail may have even gone to his Spam box.. which I guess we have all seen ~

Phil does suggest that if directing any inquiry to his (or any ) mail box ~ ensure that there is a precise subject listed .. (No subject~ will increase odds of being 'Spammed" .
This is the reply I received from Steve on the 29/08/07

"Our Twin system for your commando is sold and serviced by Triple cycles in the UK. Phil Pick is the proprietor and technical Guru there. I've CCEd them above and please let me know how you get on with the tri-Spark system.

thanks and regards,

Steve Kelly

I tried to contact Phil a few days later with no results and I think it was Norman White who also sells them, but didn't know about the twin cylinder unit.
It's a shame for Steve that the UK end isn't up to speed yet cos I would have shelled out the readies. Anyhow, this new Boyer is all I could ask for performance wise, I just hope it's reliable. Time will tell.
Thanks for trying.

cash said:
I tried to contact Phil a few days later with no results and I think it was Norman White who also sells them, but didn't know about the twin cylinder unit.
It's a shame for Steve that the UK end isn't up to speed yet cos I would have shelled out the readies.

I think Phil has sold loads of these units so far (certainly the triple cylinder type) and I think demand has outstripped supply at times, Triple Cycles is no longer Phil's 'day job' so he attends to things when he can, but he is normally pretty good at sending parts, so maybe your inquiry got overlooked? Maybe just bad luck in your case, I don't know?

And L P Williams stock both twin and triple versions:

Yes I agree.. So it is all about missed communications really as Phil replied to my inquiry ~ in part ~

"I've seen no Twin-Spark enquiry? Many have been routed to 'spam'.....
Please ask for a re-send with a suitable subject box wording? Cheers.

I have Twin units in stock. I believe Steve Kelly has some at this time

It is all academic as Phil will only now be arriving home anyway ~ and until he arrives back , he would not be in a position to do much ~
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