Pat on the Back

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Jan 8, 2006
I have been a member for 18months now and find this website and it's forum fantastic for good sound advice for my Mk111, in particular I think recognition is due to the regulars who answer our cries for help, well done guys! Two in particular who have helped me several times is L.A.B. and RonL........ you save a lot of time and help keep mistakes to a minimum.
And so say all of us, I thorougly endorse your comments Vince, Les is an absolute font of Nortonian knowledge, and RonL has a wealth of experience that only comes with a C.V. of bikes like he has, but don't forget Norbsa as well.

Regards Mike.
Very true - and there's a hell of a lot of info here already when you go back over the older posts. You can spends hours browsing them.

You feel like when you ask anything the answer must already be here somewhere :!: :!:
And its FREE

Hi Guys,

:D You make this forum. I wish I had more time to keep an eye on it. I have kept all the old posts so we can search info. The database is huge now.

I thought I would share this with you all:

:twisted: One of the biggest challenges I have is the daily s*pam sign up's. There are sometimes 20 or 30 a day. Even though I have every security process in place possible the daily s*pam signs up's drive me nuts and take 45 mins a day.

The s*pam bots are signing up so they can apply their web url in our memeberlist. This gives them a boost as we come up in the search engines well and they get a good inbound link from us. So when anyone signs up I have to manually inspect and approve each user or I end up with all kinds of c*rap on the forum and in the memeberlist. Sometimes I accidentally delete a real user.

I am a PHP programmer and fully understand how these boards work. This is something I am stuck with.

The reason for this post is to ask for help if anyone is inetrested. I would love to make one of you a moderator to help me manage users and posts. Should anyone be interested in helping send me a PM.

Thanks again everyone.

By the way-- My Norton is great since the rebuild! I just put a photo here:
Yes, a big thanks to all. Especially Jerry for doing all the hard work keeping this forum alive. I have a hard enough time finding the "on" switch so I can't imagine doing forum maintenence.
vince said:
I have been a member for 18months now and find this website and it's forum fantastic for good sound advice for my Mk111, in particular I think recognition is due to the regulars who answer our cries for help, well done guys! Two in particular who have helped me several times is L.A.B. and RonL........ you save a lot of time and help keep mistakes to a minimum.

hear hear
Coco said:
Yes, a big thanks to all. Especially Jerry for doing all the hard work keeping this forum alive. I have a hard enough time finding the "on" switch so I can't imagine doing forum maintenence.

and again,,,hear hear
Yes, Well done and thanks to Jerry.

I'd love to help but I'm such an idiot with technology that I'd be dangerous if I had any extra access. However, if the smoke starts to come out of the wiring just PM me.
Of course Jerry, this forum wouldn't be without your efforts.

I'm sure everyone is very grateful for the opportunity to have access to this wonderful library of Norton technology and history that comes soully from the contributions of the Forum members and your selfless administration.

Thanks again Jerry.

By the way I have always admired your bike and it still looks as good as ever.

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