paint color

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Oct 28, 2014
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A friend of mine has a combet with a beautiful metalflake gold for the gas tank and would like to duplicate it on the side covers.

A) was gold metalflake a stock color
B) any idea how to duplicate it?
Fireflake Golden Bronze or golden bronze was a stock Commando factory color for some years, into the 850 era too.
This is the Norton color card from a year or 2 earlier.
paint color

Lotta discussions here about fireflake colors, if you search.
Be aware that not all years of that color seem the same, it looks darker or lighter depending on where you see it or how its photo-ed.
Discussions seem to converge that is was done using colored flakes, versions of which are still available today.
Lotta flakes, big chunky flakes too, if you see an original example.
Discussion too if this is original, or a repaint... (750 wouldn't have the pinstripes)
paint color

seattle##gs said:
A friend of mine has a combet with a beautiful metalflake gold for the gas tank and would like to duplicate it on the side covers.

I got a pair of early NOS fireflake Golden Bronze side covers from British Spares (NZ) in pretty good shape (one of the metal brackets is missing). Maybe they have more. I'd trade them against a set of fireflake Emerald Green.

B) any idea how to duplicate it?

From what I've learned here the flakes were supplied by the Metalflake Corp.. I'd be tempted to say that it's neither pure "Apricot" nor pure "Marigold" but a mixture so there might be quite a bit of trial'n'error needed to get the tone right.

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