New laws in Australia gone mad

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hobot said:
More madness in Oz same as US knockout 'game'. Heads up eh ... 6792203447

There was a person who I won't call a 'friend' however I knew him well. He was a little bloke and he was easy to beat up. Before he was murdered he had spent most of his life in jail. If anyone was silly enough to bash him, they had about two weeks to live. He was an armed robber and handy with a shot gun. People who do that stuff are usually blissfully unaware of what could happen to them if they happen to injure the offspring of the less law-abiding amongst us. It will happen one day when some kid gets king hit, and the game will cease immediately.
The sucker punchers are picking easy looking targets when they are not looking. Part of my development was getting through the scared events of Miami, 1st white gangs, then the Cubans Castro kicked out then segregation conflicts. Some folks develop reflex anger reaction instead so you better not pull a surprise or hope they don't know your habitat. Crazy making when you realize any time place could be hit and no defense but stay home, maybe. Does seem like the world as we knew it is falling apart from people to environment and money-govt system. You know i'm unstable so guess how close I was to joining in or getting eliminated resisting. Best I can offer is hope you are always in the right place at the right time for the right experience.
With my own three kids, whenever I was not studying I spent a lot of time with them playing board games, chess, dominoes and cards. The peer group was almost non-existent except when they played sport. They still mainly associate with themselves, and in various social groups involved in rock climbing and swing dancing etc. The Saturday night party thing was never an issue nor were drugs or alcohol. My kids have never seen me drunk and disorderly. I had an ex-serviceman father whom I loved dearly - he taught me how to handle a nasty drunk, so I never went there. Kids learn by your example and the best thing I ever did was fall off my Triton at 100 MPH in front of my two young boys, so I never had to watch them race motorcycles. With the king-hit thing, as well as criminal bikie gangs, the best thing to do is to stay away. If you don't go there you don't get the holiday for necking one of them when they get stupid.
We now have another kid in Sydney in a coma from the king hit idiocy. My feeling is that our system promotes aggression. In every field from politics to sport to business, there is always the aggresssive approach talking precedence over negotiation. It starts at the top and goes right down to the bottom. The drink fires it up. If you look at the lifestyle in our capital cities - the citizens are all a bit wackey.
acotrel said:
If you look at the lifestyle in our capital cities - the citizens are all a bit wackey.

And if you follow that through to its logical conclusion ?
As someone said, all the folks out in the villages in the UK are downright balmy.
And we won't even mention football hooligans...
When I visit Melbourne, it is s imply horrific. The traffic is very fast, and there is so much of it. I drove in it for 50 years, and came to accept it. However because the public transport system is hopeless, people drive up to 3 to 4 hours per day commuting, and if you listen to the local radio while doing it is downright depressing. If you try to escape by moving up-country the locals guard their jobs jealousy, communications and food are costly, the council rates are doubled, and getting an education is difficult. I strongly have the opinion that depressive illness is widespread in Melbourne, and the continual aggressive and cynical political rhetoric in our media does not help anyone to live a happy life. If you talk to the kids, many of them are very negative, and getting pissed or stoned is what they consider to be 'having a good time'. I believe the king hit thing is simply an expression of protest against a hopeless existence.
My thoughts on the King Hit thing, it has been going on for time immoral and comes about by the fact the king hitter is basically a coward, not game enough to front up to confrontation (or thought of confrontation) that can be settled verbally or at least back off.
I myself have been king three times, first time with a brick (around 1960) with my demented cousin, the second time while having a leak in a club house toilet, third time at a Christmas Party, not sure why each time resulted in a lot of pain and disfigurement, loss of teeth and scares. I now never turn my back on anyone and constantly listen and walk so I can know where I can escape or defend myself.
I believe that alcohol and drugs have a major impact but this is not always the case, the individual is basically a coward or mentally defective, waiting for an opportunity to present itself so he can make a big man of himself or women what ever the sex.
Mark :D
There are a lot of comments currently being made about the availability of alcohol relative to the king hit problem. I suggest the authorities are avoiding the elephant in the room. They seem to not recognize that alcohol enhances or exacerbates the emotions - It is only a catalyst. I think we have to ask why kids are getting around feeling so aggressive. That emotion is there long before they drink. You are correct about the cowardice aspect - none of them would ever face up to a stand-up fair fight.
I just seen on the news tonite the Mongols have just open a new club house just over the boarder at Tweedheads and have had a few meeting there already and QLD and NSW police will be keeping a good watch over their movements, be intresting to see what happens.

I notice that the Queensland police have just arrested a few guys for association when they were on holiday up there. Those laws did not hold up years ago, and I wonder what has changed. It should become interesting when the lawyers get busy - bikie gang members have lots of money, and they are not stupid.
There is about to be a High Court challenge to these laws, according to reports this morning.
Some of those guys detained recently were obviously there to provoke a test case. ?
You can't jail someone on holidays, or drinking in a pub, no crime involved.

The new Human Rights Commissioner, wherever he fits into it, has had some scathing things to say about the new laws too.
Including that they breach UN requirements, which is probably the ultimate kiss of death... ?
Death squads in Rwanda, Killing fields in Cambodia and VLAD Laws in Qld just doesn't have a good ring to it.
Don't hold breath on UN even if they have final ultimate say so, they are pretty selective in enforcement depending on various central bankster desires and certainly not applied inside of area's whose populations already subdued for the Queen. There's all kinds and levels of revolutions going on world wide for better money and political-judical systems. In US for instance [as opposed to US of A] they don't make much of the black knocking out and killing innocent bystanders but when a white did same thing its all an uproar on hate crime level.
While its true that no-one usually acts on UN matters unless oil or armaments are involved, Australia currently has a seat on the UN Security Council.
And failing to comply with UN at home while pushing the UN Charter abroad is usually seen as the ultimate hypocrisy - and well noted by those involved...
UN doesn't need jurisdiction in Australia for it's declarations to be effective. What is important are Australian voter perceptions. The LNP have two years in which to play up, the third is election time. And in the meantime we have state and Federal Senate elections for the 'states house'. Since the election last August, the Federal government has regularly painted itself into a corner on several issues, and many of their lies are coming back to bite them. My feeling is that many people have short fuses these days after three solid years of absolute bullshit from the right in opposition. The current situation will be resolved.
You've seen the old movies about people being locked up by the cops in hick towns in the deep south of the United States ? - Well, we have the 'deep north'. If you ever went there you had to always be careful of the police - it was always the case that you could not be a 'vagrant' in Queensland. It has a different history to the rest of Australia. It is probably better these days, however the police in any state are usually conservative in their culture, and the profession seems to stay in families. Even New South Wales has a slight social schism which dates back to convict days. Victoria and South Australia never had convicts so the mentality seems to be slightly different, however still very much tightly controlled depending a bit on which political party is in power. Queensland has both the nasty police and the idiotic politics, and they can get away with that up there. It has been said that when Victorians move to Queensland, they increase the average IQ of both states.
Al the reality is Govt is the biggest corruption gang going and hires troopers below a certain IQ level as they just follow orders better to control and collect revenue from general population, so disorder and crime behavior is good for their business, up to a point. Any jail or prison in any country at any time in history and times to come will often be as mean and ignorant as where I come from deep in Dixieland. A bit of old fashioned southern racial philosophy of most the red necks was we don't care how close we get to blacks or other races as often as not in same ditch digging along side each other - as long as every one watches their words and slurs, just one of the boys that likes the same stuff to eat drink and screw and play with or avoid.

One event during deep south school integration that helped break the ice in hi school locker room was a black dude going around yelling LOCK's Ya Locker's, LOCK's Ya Locker's - I's been Known to STEAL....

Still besides those seeking power over others in Govt positions there is an element that is genetically injured and others in desperate or forced conditions that crime is just a way of life, so good luck dodging them, both with and w/o guns and badges.


Builders, plumbers, electricians face police background checks in Queensland Government's war on bikies

EVERY tradie in Queensland faces a police background check in a bid to wipe out bikies in the building industry.

The State Government has given plumbers, builders and electricians six months to relinquish any ties or even friendships they might have with motorcycle gang members or face deregistration.
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