New laws in Australia gone mad

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Time Warp said:
Just to remind folk,not Australia but one state in it,Queensland.

Some time ago in an unrelated to motorcycles newsletter, I read Queensland described as "...that funny little country in the North Eastern part of Australia". I'm quoting, not suggesting that it's fact, but with an AG who probably hasn't started shaving yet and a Premier who seems to want to be more Fascist than the famous ones, you do have to wonder.
Those 'chaps came across as well educated and obviously not dressing like banana bender pirates helped. :D
Rohan said:
These laws could be coming to a neighbourhood near you. ?
Best kept in the public eye, to remind what the imbeciles that govern us are capable of, if not guarded against....

If left unchecked, this will destroy motorcycling as we know it, make no mistake.
The whole motorcycle industry here is dreading long term what this will do to the local businesses...

Rohan, the authorities have not destroyed sex yet, and motorcycling is very similar.
It has gone a bit quite at the moment, bit of a worry when things go quite, the bikies have gone to ground, heaps of Harley riders out on the weekends and haven't seen many cops out when riding last Sunday, or is this the calm before the storm???

Someone commented that it has gone very quiet, quite literally.
Haven't heard one noisy bike (read HD) for a week or more now....

Someone else commented though that the local tyre shop is run by someone with a HD and tatts.
As is the battery shop, the exhaust shop, the panel shop, the brake shop, the wreckers, etc etc.
If they are all run out of business, or out of the state, whats left ?
They all employ 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 guys, where do they end up ?
Last one out, turn out the lights.... ?
In Victoria in the late fifties there was a determined effort in Victoria to put all motorcycles off the roads. Every time the police saw a bike, they stopped it and booked the rider for everything they possibly could. In those days it was a problem because the bikes were pretty horrible. These days modern bikes are very roadworthy, subject to legislative controls anyway. Taking the old approach, the police would be wasting their time. And if you called for the duty officer every time you were stopped, it would be a major problem for them. If there were four or more of you together, they could try to claim you were a bikie gang - I can see all sorts of problems with that for the police , if you buck. Our courts don't treat the police so kindly when they get silly, even when the state government is backing them. You might imagine all sorts of restrictions arising from the laws of association however I believe the response arising from the new laws will probably be good. We have been over regulated for far too long in Australia. Phobia is used as a political tool here, just as it is elsewhere.
The laws relating to individuals associating with criminals have always been unenforceable in Australia. As far as I know the new approach has not been tested yet - who wants to be first ? The targets have lots of drug money, and very smart lawyers, and are often friends with those in positions of authority anyway. I don't know w hat the differences in the new laws are, however I'm extremely doubtful that the y will achieve their objective. CIvil liberties even exist in Australia.
The big bikie protest ride in Victoria happens tomorrow - 1st December. Watch the evening news from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on ABC iView.
The news showed Prince William visting a motorcycle show somewhere.
Including viewing, and discussing, the New Norton 961.
And being given a mini-motorcycle for Prince George (can't start em too early ?).

Apparently Prince William is a keen motorcycle rider.
Maybe we should only vote for politicians who ride motorcycles ??
Just picked up my daughter from a friends place she stayed over and had to give one of her friends a lift home, on the way to Redcliffe about a 100 or so bikes past us going towards Brisbane, mosty Harlies and a few jap bikes, a car had a Rebels flag and the Eruka flag hanging out of the window so I say they are heading to Parliment house to protest, haven't heard anything about it, I was told there was to be a protest ride last weekend but the person who told me about could have got it wrong, sounds like its on today.

ashman said:
Just picked up my daughter from a friends place she stayed over and had to give one of her friends a lift home, on the way to Redcliffe about a 100 or so bikes past us going towards Brisbane, mosty Harlies and a few jap bikes, a car had a Rebels flag and the Eruka flag hanging out of the window so I say they are heading to Parliment house to protest, haven't heard anything about it, I was told there was to be a protest ride last weekend but the person who told me about could have got it wrong, sounds like its on today.


Any links to news video we can watch the protest tomorrow?
'Melbourne had a similar turnout, while 500 people gathered in Sydney and 200 in Hobart, AMC chair Shaun Lennard told AAP.

Mr Lennard says they don't want to see the laws replicated in other states.

"We continue to reject the premise that simply riding a motorcycle makes you worthy of questioning about criminal activity," he told AAP.

"We fully support any reasonable action to crack down on crime, but we believe the laws go beyond that.

"It's stereotyping and discrimination."'

Get hold of some of those dead heads and ask them whom they vote for. We have a new federal government and similar colour governments in several states. On past performance this new rubbish should have been expected. Those blokes have been getting around with their heads up their backsides, probably believing that politics don't affect them. Half the young idiots in our country refuse to vote , even though it is compulsory. Australia lost 100,000 men in two world wars fighting for democracy, which includes the freedom to participate and determine our future. Many of our kids throw that sacrifice back in the faces of the dead. This recent political stuff is an object lesson many of us who don't believe the bullshit, do not need.
The guys with the stiff necks from looking at themselves in shop windows as they ride by ? It is a form of RSI which is prevalent amongst Harley riders.
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