New forum observations thread

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Hi Rob,

I was thinking about having an interactive map to show all users locations. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. Its a good opportunity for me to run a survey or poll in a different thread to see how it works on this new forum. I will do that and we can vote for a user location map or not. I will vote yes.


Have a look at Their database of bikes has several useful features. Most importantly being able to search Their map shows the models at locations. I think it is a manual process. Personally, I wish for the ability to download info by model and I don't need/want any specific info on the owner, just the model, year, frame, and engine number and a rough location (country suits me).

I'm working on a R.I.P. database for Norton and Triumph and knowing what's still alive would help with that and in some cases could help owners. For instances, for Norton, I have an engine and two frames that do not match - someone might be looking for them.
Hello everyone,

Finally we are live with the new forum. I know there are still things that need doing. Some colors are off and some fonts are wrong. My programmer and I are fixing these things while the forum is live. We have spent hours lately and need a rest.

Please dont email me if you see any oddities. Update this thread and let me know what you are seeing that needs fixing.

This is phase 1 with basic functionality and over the next weeks you will see some cool things added.

When I select United States when trying to add a bike to the tracker, I get this error:

Norton Commando & Classics Motorcyles - Error
Security error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.

Using Windows 10 and I've tried Edge and Internet Explorer.
Have a look at Their database of bikes has several useful features. Most importantly being able to search Their map shows the models at locations. I think it is a manual process. Personally, I wish for the ability to download info by model and I don't need/want any specific info on the owner, just the model, year, frame, and engine number and a rough location (country suits me).

I'm working on a R.I.P. database for Norton and Triumph and knowing what's still alive would help with that and in some cases could help owners. For instances, for Norton, I have an engine and two frames that do not match - someone might be looking for them.

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the info. I will check it out. I doubt the map will be changing much in the near future as I am pretty burned out working on the forum lately. I do plan on refining things. With regards to the tracking (See "Norton Commando Tracker" above) I am planning to rebuild the data base completely and it will be much more useful with more powerful features. Its just time. At the moment my priority is to get what we have reasonably stable (almost done). I need to get my 750 cylinder head off to see why it is smoking, that's next priority. I was going to do that today, but busy working on this again.

Have a good one. I'll check out the B50 forum. My good friend Glenn has a B50 and I love that bike BTW.

When I select United States when trying to add a bike to the tracker, I get this error:

Norton Commando & Classics Motorcyles - Error
Security error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.

Thanks for letting me know- I will fix it
I've added a URL to my signature.
When I'm editing the signature and previewing it, I can follow the URL to the correct web page.
However, when I view one of my posts, the URL in my signature doesn't work - it's simply text.
I've tried enclosing the URL with delimiters, and leaving as straight text to no avail.
Is there some trickery that needs to be done with URLs in signatures?
I've added a URL to my signature.
When I'm editing the signature and previewing it, I can follow the URL to the correct web page.
However, when I view one of my posts, the URL in my signature doesn't work - it's simply text.
I've tried enclosing the URL with delimiters, and leaving as straight text to no avail.
Is there some trickery that needs to be done with URLs in signatures?

VIP member Benefits:
  • Supporting the forum and helping keep these bikes on the road
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  • Upload attachments to posts
  • Upload attachments to conversations
  • Allow extended text formatting in signature
  • Allow links in signature
  • Allow more lines in signature
  • View profile posts
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  • Maximum Items Per Upload is 20
Thanks, L.A.B.
Whereas I totally agree that VIP members should have advanced features, my gripe is that the point of denial for non-VIP members should be when the signature is updated and previewed.
The preview should reflect what is actually going to happen.
In my case, I could follow the URL during preview, but not later on when reading the forum.
I was trying to keep the signature links to a minimum because we are now using an ssl cert when viewing this forum. I thought using non https link in signatures would cause a browser error. Apparently it does not, so i changed permissions for registered users to now be able to add links to signatures.

I hope you don't dread it when you see a post from me...
I replied to thread "Remanufactured Mk2A Commando" (post #10).
I inserted a link by marking the word "this", pressing the Link icon, and pasting the link in the appropriate field.
I can follow the link by clicking on "this", but it's not obvious that it's a link, as it has the same attributes as normal text.
Would it be possible to underline and/or colour links?
I can follow the link by clicking on "this", but it's not obvious that it's a link, as it has the same attributes as normal text.
Would it be possible to underline and/or colour links?

I see "this" in light blue, which then changes to green when I place the cursor on it.
I see "this" in light blue, which then changes to green when I place the cursor on it.

That's odd, as I see it in white, although it does change to green when I hover over it.
To me, it's not obvious that it's a link.
Oddly, my previous message should look like this with colours:

New forum observations thread

However, what I'm seeing is white:

New forum observations thread

Same in Firefox and Chrome.

I wonder if there is a way for members to be able to edit thread TITLES?

I wanted to change the title of a recent thread, and see that there is no provision for that...
No worries, it's unimportant. Just wondering if there was a feature; I think in the old software, we had that option.
Hi Paul,

I am out of town on business with no spare time. If that is an option I dont see why I cannot allow it. I will need to look into it later,

Hi Paul,

I think I have turned this on for VIP members only. Let me know if you can edit the title of one of your threads.

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