hobo kills again

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hobot said:
my big month don't impress me sitting at home too afraid to ride after 2 more deer smacks on car this mo. just getting to pavement.

"the deer whisperer"...it has a ring to it :roll:

only had close calls with groundhogs and a couple goats (so far the last two years) that have learned to escape their fence up the street from my house. land sits at a straightaway after a sharp turn; its just a matter of time...
Shorts, T-shirts, sandals and no helmet seem to be de rigueur among the Harley and cruiser set where I live.quote]

They look like "The Village People" where I live
Yesterday saw a once cute yellow new style VW Beatle I see regularly with a cute gal inside, with front hood so deeply bashed in no way a bag of groceries would fit any more but the paint is still good. Lucked out to still drive and not of gone though the windshield. but for sure it was a whiplash event. After the goat I don't worry no more about being hit again, just how to record it so others can enjoy what happened when they find me. Good behavior is no protection so when Peel gets online a significant part of her pay me back job will be hunting deer down after dark while playing with the almost as crazies that race around their ATV's after mid night. Some guys from Oz that dodge 'roo's in the daytime flat have to shut down after dark, I don't feel specially picked on but more blood brother in dangerous hobby. PTSD can make some folks queasy to nauseous on flash backs, as I'm right now, so there's ongoing issue how long I can shove it back before a ride.
The dam deer were not this thick the first 5 yrs I moved here, so tables turned on me and everyone else.

http://www.soundrider.com/archive/safet ... ohdeer.htm
Yes, it's gruesome, but deer strikes are a real threat on country roads
hobo kills again
We had a young buck hang himself a few weeks ago on a wire fence next to our drive, we had just seen him the day before. It was about 5' up. Vultures got it, but it still reeked for weeks. Just skin and bones hanging off the wire now. It was gross, especially when the vultures sat on his head and plucked his eyes and brains out. Stretched his neck out about 3'. I should have taken a picture, it was about the grossest thing I've seen in a long time. The wife loved it but she likes those macabre things. Not unlike Mussolini's demise.

Death is nasty stuff and on my mind almost contantly. I've run up on deer at full run so close they stretched out fully to try to dive through barbed wire strands to rip their hide as it snagged them to spin em like a foot ball before landing in pile. A few, about to leap into headlight from front diagonal I aim right at suddenly so they end up leaping straight into a wire strand to bow string right back on their asses, but limped off didn't die dam it. The one that hit me mid bike while i had slowed to 75, I got to watch decay on my commutes and get moved around some by coyotes or dogs. Some one hit another near by that died in center of road and no one moved it till something dragged main body off but left the head on the double yellow with ears sticking up. Every time i crested road way to see it was a fear shock as i'm programed to deer ear profiles and react w/o thinking. Takes about a month till just bones showing.

I see these hung on fence posts around real hillbilly homes.
hobo kills again

The goat bunch that got me on SV650 are out again, will have to make up some food laced with anti-freeze and harden attitude as the owner threatened me to get off property when I asked him to make good on his promise to help me recover his induced damage. But the guy is a wife beater I found out and relatives beat the snot out of him when ever caught away from home so he mostly don't drive anymore and such a jerk he ruined his PU truck so I have a bit of good feeling from that news.

This is going on front of Ms Peel's IS tank
hobo kills again
Get well soon, Hobot. Animals eh, well ...-I`ve had a human [oid] step out in the road - in my path.. nasty it was too..
Rode Trixie yesterday for a few hours on errands w/o deer till 2 pm then rode to appointment at 4 pm, then going 70 down a long steep a huge buck leaped off Mt side across my path about 8 bike lenghts ahead which made me reflexly scream G-D-it, then 2nd buck leaped across like a torpedo full tilt to catch its buddy about one bike lenght ahead to reflexly begin crying and whimper a few seconds flashing on lost of bike and limbs and wife and unfinished projects in my prime. Later gave head ache from jaw neck gritting for impact like smashing a baby's head into a wall severe. Today trembled at thought to ride again so took cage and chased 4-5 out the way just in time on 3 close encounters. Trembles had to be dealt with again treating a women under stress so couldn't walk straight, hearing news of American General shot to death by unseen sniper in Afgan at air port getting out of plane, as her husband is a pilot there. She was therapy to me as I've only me and wife, she's got young family of 3. Had Pow wow at fabrication shop for Peels crash cage today, so she should make it ok.
A damn mean hearted song Renn that experience forces throttle up and up...
Samuel Clemens said the basis of humor is ongoing tragedy, so will pass along to other exposed friends like my favorite enemy Ed The Tomato Man.
hobo kills again

[after risking arrest for hours on his CNW 850 fall adventure]
Now I was into the northern pines which had been cleared for camp sites. Everything was neatly preened and grromed everywhere. The great caveat here is... Deer Crossing signs. A watchful eye and fingers laid across the brake lever were necessary. You had 2 options, go slow and hit a deer anyway or go fast and hope you hit them in the soft part and come out on the other side. ( honest...that is not a tale..the accounts of motorcyclists cutting a deer in half and remaining alive and even upright are startling to hear).
Jeeze, don't you folks eat venison around there?

I heard that song on Dan Maher's northwest public radio show this morning and felt I had to post a link for you. The studio version sounded a little better but you get the jest of it. Hope you liked it. Ride safe.
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