hobo kills again

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hobo kills again

hobo kills again
Jean, this goat was a farm goat so it went to the struggling family, just sooner than planned. First deer that killed itself on headlight and helmet was collected along with bike as payment for midnight help and dressed out frozen on barn door by 4 am. It was consumed over the following spring. I got a piece of the jerky but they ate the back strap w/o me : (

There are ways to cook as you ride you know, header hot dog to hot fin ribs
and manifold fish. Eat what ya kill they say.
http://howlingduckranch.wordpress.com/2 ... cumentary/

Ozark Highland Goat Cooking and road kill in one stop shot.
Chevon may be a goat from 50 to 75 pounds and 6 to 9 months of age with almost the entire animal being expected to serve the table. Traditional Mexican methods of cooking meat are often designed for a cut of meat from an animal that has matured or has done a bit of walking around. In many cases, market goats today are older and larger than true cabritos.
Traditionally, on the day of the pachanga (lively party), several cabritos are slaughtered in the very early morning hours. All parts are saved and meat is cut up according to method of preparation - large pieces for asado, small bite-size pieces for guisado. Of course, there are many other dishes, and goat meat is prepared in many different ways with each family adding its own ingredients to a recipe. Women are often the cooks, but men also have their own style and prepare some delicious dishes.
Ok the horny goat legs stuffed in my boots was too much for it in missionary position. But its the more dense muscled and smoother build does I like to spoon with most. Shoulder to abdomen fur missing d/t Combat headlight edges. The lighter marks-patches in fur on the rump area is from my helmet face planting a pelvic and neck breaking kiss. A small one about 125 lb. Second one over 200 lb of kinky bloody sex, I first kicked its head in at 75 then turned around to finish the snuff film by hand. BBQ smells better to me than dried blood unless a vampire.

hobo kills again
OH YES SIR Will, I have studied every shape, from and concept of these reverse trikes, especially the leaning kinds because they can be made narrower and still not tip over in sharp turns. I interview most folks I encounter on the big animal weather conditions. Last pm patient that lives on my same access path said 8 deer encountered on way to clinic and then related while at near by tire shop a light truck tire had been slashed when a big hog ran head long into it from the side and 4-5" tusks got tangled. Hog ran back into woods. I'm thinking to carry my .45 with triple Plus+ Navy Seal Ammo so if a hog takes me down and breaks ankle or knee or hip or bike on top I can end the horror of hog finishing me off by blowing my brains out first. I'm told never shoot a hog in the head as so thick bullets bounce off.

i almost had Peel's tires and my ankles bitten off once while waiting in a 8 ft low drainage ditch to see how the locals handled a huge 4" long snapping turtle in road that ended up sliding down the grass between my tires. Jaws could easy pierce tires and also wrap around rim and crush it. Litterally touch and go as I tried to both keep bike up right and save tires by alternating rather quickly a foot down on other side of jaws and kicking the beast to release wheel then dodge its snap at my boot - finally got it mostly to one side of bike so I could hop off on other side and walk bike out of danger. Ozark speed bumps.

hobo kills again

hobo kills again

hobo kills again

hobo kills again
hobot said:
.... I'm thinking to carry my .45 with triple Plus+ Navy Seal Ammo so if a hog takes me down and breaks ankle or knee or hip or bike on top I can end the horror of hog finishing me off by blowing my brains out first. I'm told never shoot a hog in the head as so thick bullets bounce off.
Don't aim for the head, aim for the heart. It's the same for bear. I know that your not a fan of meat eating but eat or be eaten, it"s the law of the wild...
Happy Holidays Doctor
Oh Will my skull is thin enough and I think a heart shot might hurt me too long to go out. Happy Birthday to Christ all ya all's.

http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/b ... ck_hog.htm
Subject: Dead razorback 800lbs 8ft long

How would you like to run across this in the woods????? The hog was reportedly killed in Arkansas very recently close to where they hunt... The man in the picture killed him, took 3 shots from a 7 mag. The afternoon before, he saw this hog eating on the side of the road. He pulled over, and when he slammed the door on his truck, the hog spooked, and charged him. He rammed the side of his truck and put a huge dent in it and popped 2 holes in the metal where his tusks hit. He went back in camo the next morning and sat by a fence. The hog came out and he shot once and the hog turned and looked at him. Shot him again and he went to his knees and got back up. Shot him the third time and put him down. The rest of the story is the picture. He weighed over 800 lbs.

hobo kills again
Great injuries buddy, pick out all the road rash bits first, wash in clean water, smear around vitamine E ,good to go . Infected is not good ,not so clean , then if infection , antibiotic such as ciprofloxacin .Just showed my wife post picture of the goat and she laughed her head off and stomped her feet at the same time! This is your best post so far . Problems with non commando hunting post guy but that is my concern. Goats stew good at my local Jamaican Reggae bar. Have only hit a groundhog , but check out Roadkill Cafe for fun . War can be over if you want it , merry X mas. And so this is X mas. Love . Peace. Repair . I hope we all have fun. Free all livestock.
Yep smoked salted ham with red eye gravy! Most the hogs/boars here are 200-300 lb. I can't eat most of what I shoot, limbs, pipes, rocks, cans, 'coons, armadillo etc. But I'm Chinese trained so here's what else has been on big animal road kill menu. Ran ahead of me going 12 mph creep to stop in front to turn to bite tire and roll up under SV650's radiator [$660]. I will carry pepper spray in future for stupid big pets. Thankful no Kangeroo's too. Couple months ago they found a Harley and lifeless pilot in highway I frequent, then the dead deer in ditch. Same area friend saw dead 250 lb hog hit by truck and others still milling around looking for something to take anger out on. Hogs are the most intelligent beast in the woods and likely the toughest too.

hobo kills again
Pork chops and Apple sauce.
Found a 3 1/2 foot snapper when I was about 8 years old. That big is really unusual for Ohio.
Thank God I've never hit a critter larger than a Cicada on the Bike.

List of Animals I've hit with various other Vehicles.
Kangaroo Rat
Texas Bull Toad
Various small Birds
3 Possums
2 Raccoon
Canadian Goose
3' Rattle snake
5' Pit Viper
2 Deer
On my 650SS at 55 mph in the velvet black night in West Africa a dachsund darted out and hit my right foot and peg, breaking two toes and bending the peg--the dog was killed instantaneously.

An Africa buddy with male passenger around the same time hit a big German Shepherd on a Bonneville--end over end, rider hit the ground first, then passenger, then Triumph.

My only North American actual body blow came from a crow I hit on my Combat slowing down at 80 mph--broke a rib and left the crow very dead on the interstate.

In 1966 my brother, a buddy and I were campaigning a Bedford truck to happy hour at Yankari game reserve in Northern Nigeria. A rock python was stretched entirely across the macadam, both ends hidden in the ditches on either side. I braked, skidding over a rubber telegraph pole, backed up over it, and rolled over it once again to make sure. Three bloodthirsty teenagers boiled out of the truck in a heartbeat with twelve-gauges loaded with buck and slug.

This was savanna--not jungle--and there were no culverts, no weeds, no holes, no trees--and no python. For all I know that very snake is suffocating a goat, a foal or a Fulani herd boy at this very moment, seven time zones away.

Tim Kraakevik
Three Commandos
Ugh, I sure don't feel special, just a surviving blood brother in a bloody pastime.

Funniest: a Commando rider told me was riding with his son around a rural lake on unpaved delights with shallow water crossing, came around a blind bend to surprise vultures on a kill - last biggest one hesitated to leave till last instant and only got about headlight-chest height, as was carrying the maggot filled juice spilling meal before impact which knocked the road kill out of talon - leaving its juk on sticky sick-ly smellie.

I have big bird events ~1-3 a season. Couple of note, going 90 in long straight saw buzzards on kill on far side of road, so I coasted down to legal and then flashed lights as they see that before sound reaches over 100 yrd out, then horn over a few dozen yds, but biggest just turned and hopped to stand between me and meal then leaned forward in defiance till I was a dozen yds away 45 mph - he recognized my size zoom motion but launched across me not away, I sharp leaned away at same time nailing it just as he leaned the other way and nailed it, 2 flight arcs that met at apexes. We missed by a foot, locked eye ball to eye ball, both with identical shocked angry fear message FFFKYOU! - locked on twisting necks backward as whip lash hit and we parted ways both recovering flight our stability but intact.

The other big bird here, Widl Turky 30-40 lb will occasionally shoot straight across road at head height, like gym medicine balls thrown 40 mph. Last fun encounter was a group of 6, me going 35 Gravel turn, 2 took off to sides, 4 took off along road, 2 of these found opening in trees and pealed off, which left 2 a few yd up and ahead at matched speeds, I pulled out of line of bird butt ejections, then nailed it up under their freaked out feathers for dozens of yd road-flight tag, got ejection that missed me and it pealed off, laughing I slowed so much last turkey hen had landed few dozen yd ahead so nailed it again to swoosh her back up so I could fly up her butt matching her zig zags till she pealed off and we let bygones be bygones.

In small fast open deck boats as kids me and brother would match speed of water foul and swat at them with paddles, knowing after 1st event running up under them at face level we got covered in very hot bird shit. Never hit one but great fun as they frantically glanced at us jerking flight to dodge paddles then back ahead and back again so fast and flapping so furiously, we split guts laughing.

BTW if barely puttering along bats are attacked to the Norton head ringing. They don't strike much at speed, but any thing is possible we know.
I always enjoy your posts Hobot (both technical and lifestyle) and I feel for you in regard to your injuries (both your lost skin and the bike damage). Here in OZ dodging kangaroos (mainly at dawn and dusk) is tricky and potentially very dangerous, but I'd have to say that roos don't seem to be in the same league as the suicidal wildlife in your neck of the woods! Mind you, about forty years ago I was following two mates (one on a Norton the other a Suzuki water bottle) when the lead bloke ran over a brown snake at 80mph and flicked it up into the lap of the rider behind. I almost fell off my bike laughing at his antics as he tried to keep control of his bike while getting a very angry brown snake (one of the world's deadliest) away from his manhood. Fortunately he wasn't bitten and after a short stop to calm nerves (and stop laughing) we were on our way.
LOL!! Bsaboss. Snake in lap AGgGHHh.
I"m surprised 'roo's aren't in your path like deer are so many places not just here. I hear so much about the 'roo bars and dead bodies in the long roads.

I carry snakes on my Commandos, wife finds 4-6 ft black snakes in her duck coup, big enough to swallow almost full grown ducks so calls me to get em out. I put them in feed sacs then road trip em a mile or more. One day I letf bag outside in spring time with a light rain. Bag was softened damp when rain quit. I thought nice time to take a little ride. Stuffed snake bag in lap and headed out, but got so stoned at the bright green and trees in bloom I lost thought of the snake - till suddenly I felt a sharp burning stinging on my L wrist and just shook it thinking a bug hit it, got far stronger - looked down to see black snake fully clamped on !**** AGGGHH!!

Spinal reflex beat my rational mind as hand jerked off bars but snake and bag held on so next instant other hand had ripped it off and slung away. Next few moments were spent in desperate saving actions of tank slapping bike on gravel heading into fence-trees a few feet away at 35 mph. This is one of the events I learned phases of handling beyond the normal and that rear power rules the roost! I don' t fear big black snakes I tease em to test our reaction times but they have razor sharp teeth that instant slice two tracks to the meat to bleed.
Next time I hope mind kicks in and I just park before peeling one off.

My favorite collisions are with bats going real slow tinkling along.

hobo kills again

hobo kills again
Roos are certainly a bugger hobot, but mainly at dawn and dusk so I just avoid those times. You're quite right about lots of dead bodies at the side of the road though - there's a stretch of road not far from here that gets a lot of truck traffic. Its got big open paddocks on both sides and its not uncommon to see a fresh dead roo every hundred feet or so. The bugger with roos is that they'll often bound along next to you and then all of a sudden jump across in front of you.
Yes dam deer do that too, there's even video of them doing that fully seeing and hearing the loud big twin filming in desert like country then deer swings out to almost hit them. I've had two almost hit from behind but for reflex to jerk a low side away while nailing it, so second leap only got to see head next to mine not the chest. Until my events it was a mystery to a fella who told me he'd slowed for a deers in the road got past them and speed up to suddenly almost get knocked out saddle and loss it, said only place full of dust and fur was the inside of windshield, the deer had leaped in from the rear approach! I've cried over this and serious questioning my sanity to ride again w/o a roll cage around me in a reverse trike.

I've laid restless to sleep with major insurance companies to sue STATE over deer policy that lets them increase beyond reason not just maintain healthy population. I yelled for what to me felt like 3 minutes on the mild goat smash, but only 1/3 of that in intense pain of torn apart knee and crushed hip peak, the rest was ripping heart out of future riding survival. But I did similar on Great White dog and took me chances again and lost again. I vomited every now and then for 3 days after 75 mph deer strike that hardly injured me or bike physically at all, but deer would spring out of tree tops and mail boxes and gum wrappers glinting in lights, then wave of nausea next time might not be imaginary destruction.

Safe Journeys yo all.
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