Junior mentioned the Indian Royal Enfield Bullet. I have a 2001 - kick start only version. I like it alot, but it too is not up to the traffic conditions, unless all you want to do is ride up and get an ice cream cone. Cruising over 55 is not recommended, which is difficult to judge as the speedo is rather optimistic. My date lives 125 miles distant, in a very small town - 95% interstate - hammering it in the car takes me about 1.5 hrs. I rode the Bullet down during the 4th of July holiday. It took me 4 hours, using only secondary roads - I did, however, win "Best Non-Harley" at the car/motorcycle show the town had. I have read Pirsig and agree with the philosophy, but that last hour and a half in driving rain - without any raingear - made me question the utility.
That said, the machine is one of the coolest things I have had. I have always wanted a big 4 stroke single. I don't think I will ever sell it - I understand that resale value is not the best anyway. But, I love it.
The lack of speed, however, is what has spurred me to get my '74 Interstate back on the road. If I can maintain 70mph cruise, on the interstate, on the Interstate, the likelihood of being run-over should be less likely, and cut my travel time significantly.
Singles are cool, however. no doubt about it.
Best regards