bad day yesterday

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You were lucky, in my day we used to have to steal a bike to have a crash like that. Then we had to run, I say run five miles just to escape the rozzers. And after that dad used to belt us black and blue , cos we didn't bring the petrol back for the Tilly lamps. Aye lad you were reet lucky we didn't even have tyres just old england tops filled with grass tied on the rims ,ryegrass at front and Timothy ont rear, no bloody andover norton in them days.

Thempt wirt days lad.
Don't let the bastards wear you down, Baz. They're a small (but vocal) minority on the forum, and you just have to ignore them in favor of the vast majority of members who have a more positive attitude toward life.

auldblue said:
You were lucky, in my day we used to have to steal a bike to have a crash like that. Then we had to run, I say run five miles just to escape the rozzers. And after that dad used to belt us black and blue , cos we didn't bring the petrol back for the Tilly lamps. Aye lad you were reet lucky we didn't even have tyres just old england tops filled with grass tied on the rims ,ryegrass at front and Timothy ont rear, no bloody andover norton in them days.

Thempt wirt days lad.
Aye and you try tellin youth that terday and they dernt believe yer
Hi Baz, sorry to hear about the miss-hap at Stonehenge, went there before a fence was put around it on my honeymoon as part of a no itinerary bicycle trip in England in 1972. People could roam all over the grounds back then. I for one appreciate your detailed post of your incident there. This is a good reminder/example of things to file away to help with our own preservation on motorcycles. As far as a motorcycle refresher course as others have mentioned is concerned though, I don't know, maybe a good idea. :roll: Yesterday I was walking in the woods in my back yard and tripped over a root. It was my own fault, should have been paying better attention. Now I've been walking for about 64 years now and have had my share of tip-overs but maybe it's time for me to go back to school. Wish my mom was still around to help me freshen up on my walking skills. :wink: Point is -otment, we learn from our mistakes and we are the best teachers of ourselves as well. Baz has been riding quite awhile without incident, I've been riding about 40 years without incident. I'm sure both of us could educate quite a few younger Motorcycle Safety Course instructors on things that are not in their book. And Baz, thanks for the refresher course.
JimC said:
AlColombia said:
We have motorcycles-We fall of them!

Next time you make a smart ass reply make sure you proofread it. It loses some of its sting when there are spelling errors.

BTW, I've probably ridden more motorcycles more miles than you can even count.
I'm sure you have too-you know all about me :D
I have fallen off in Scotland,England,several parts of Europe,Ecuador,Peru and most recently in Colombia!
When I fall of I generally learn a little then keep on going on.
Falling of motorcycles is a geat metaphor for life in general!
Now I hope my grammar and spelling is up to standard or did I fall from grace on that too.
God bless you all and all the best on your next little fall
(Driving safely in Colombia-the land of safe drivers)
rx7171 said:
Following well back also allows me to relax and enjoy the scenery.
You do that around here, and some jackass stuffs a shiny metal box into the hole. You either stay out of the fray, or get a stiff wrist from having two fingers constantly wrapped around the front brake lever in anticipation of the traffic coming to a sudden halt.

I'm glad you and the bike are on the mend.

Carn't see me turning up on a course, some young whipper snapper telling me what to do..."Eh lad i was riding before you where born" when bikes where bikes, laddie!
Problem is and stat's show that older riders are more inclinded to get killed then the whipper snappers :roll: Born again bikers ,getting one 170 bhp moderns ? wont be long before the goverment steps in and makes a re-test compulsary, well if theres money into they will try..another stelth tax.

Biscuit said:
Hi Baz, sorry to hear about the miss-hap at Stonehenge, went there before a fence was put around it on my honeymoon as part of a no itinerary bicycle trip in England in 1972. People could roam all over the grounds back then. I for one appreciate your detailed post of your incident there. This is a good reminder/example of things to file away to help with our own preservation on motorcycles. As far as a motorcycle refresher course as others have mentioned is concerned though, I don't know, maybe a good idea. :roll: Yesterday I was walking in the woods in my back yard and tripped over a root. It was my own fault, should have been paying better attention. Now I've been walking for about 64 years now and have had my share of tip-overs but maybe it's time for me to go back to school. Wish my mom was still around to help me freshen up on my walking skills. :wink: Point is -otment, we learn from our mistakes and we are the best teachers of ourselves as well. Baz has been riding quite awhile without incident, I've been riding about 40 years without incident. I'm sure both of us could educate quite a few younger Motorcycle Safety Course instructors on things that are not in their book. And Baz, thanks for the refresher course.
AlColombia said:
I have fallen off in Scotland,England,several parts of Europe,Ecuador,Peru and most recently in Colombia!
Where did you fall off in Scotland, Al?
auldblue said:
AlColombia said:
I have fallen off in Scotland,England,several parts of Europe,Ecuador,Peru and most recently in Colombia!
Where did you fall off in Scotland, Al?
Yer givin it away with the Auld there! South Lanarkshire-a wee village called Crawford on the M74.It's a wee bit like Colombia-but with better weather of course!
Have you been careless in Scotland your good self?
Have you been self righteous about it yet on this thread?
I hope they shut it down asap
Before I fall off again!
Nater_Potater said:
rx7171 said:
Following well back also allows me to relax and enjoy the scenery.
You do that around here, and some jackass stuffs a shiny metal box into the hole. You either stay out of the fray, or get a stiff wrist from having two fingers constantly wrapped around the front brake lever in anticipation of the traffic coming to a sudden halt.

I'm glad you and the bike are on the mend.


That happened to me in Spain ,taking it easy legs splayed getting the cool breeze on the old chingangoolies , white citreon van right in the hole. Oh really that will be right, mad rush of blood overtaking everything ,near got done by a truck. Stopped for a fag about 40 mile up the road to wait for my mate , when he pulled up the first thing he said was " how the fcuk did you miss that lorry"? Just my day I guess.
Jerez was great by the way.

Crawford John, the lead hills no wonder you fell off there ,it's hill billy up there boy, it's the land of the lost!
baz said:
.................. apparently i refuse to take further training! dont remember saying that ? and i'm lying about the car in front of the van braking to take a photo!! ...................... i dont really care what people think about me or my riding skills etc .......... cheers baz

Let us know when you book your training. So you're saying you could see the guy in the car, in front of the van, slow down and take a photo and you still crashed into the van?

Baz, I actually don't care about your riding skills in relation to your self preservation - it's the innocent third parties that you and other people with the same attitude will be crashing into that I'm thinking of.
Crawford John, the lead hills no wonder you fell off there ,it's hill billy up there boy, it's the land of the lost!

No Sir! not Crawfordjohn-the much more sophisticated Crawford! a few miles further down the road. Leadhills though is where I crashed my Interstate 750 about 30 years ago on my first day of ownership-hit a Blackface ewe or as I like to call it-the wooly wall!
Keep falling off kids-it's all part of the fun
lcrken said:
Don't let the bastards wear you down, Baz. They're a small (but vocal) minority on the forum, and you just have to ignore them in favor of the vast majority of members who have a more positive attitude toward life.


Yeah, that makes sense. I advocate training in the interests of reducing accidents and I have a negative attitude toward life? It seems road abrasion is doing a good job of wearing Baz down.
Al-otment said:
baz said:
.................. apparently i refuse to take further training! dont remember saying that ? and i'm lying about the car in front of the van braking to take a photo!! ...................... i dont really care what people think about me or my riding skills etc .......... cheers baz

Let us know when you book your training. So you're saying you could see the guy in the car, in front of the van, slow down and take a photo and you still crashed into the van?

Baz, I actually don't care about your riding skills in relation to your self preservation - it's the innocent third parties that you and other people with the same attitude will be crashing into that I'm thinking of.
please go back and re read my post when did i say it was a guy in the car? i didnt even see the car i was behind a large white van! you use the term "allegedly taking photos" to infer that either i or the van driver is lying ! as for a training course thats my business , around 1983 i was on my way to purchase my dream bike a ducati 860 gt on my way there i was first on the scene of two police motorcyclists that had both crashed into the back of a stationary car waiting at a T junction to turn right now i dont know if the coppers were riding side by side or in front of one another i missed it by seconds they were just getting up when i got there the woman driver of the car was quite distraught but luckily both police riders were ok i have always wondered how this accident happened ! if the car wasnt there they would surely have skidded across the junction i guess police training back then is not up to todays standards and its the one and only time i have seen anything like this cheers baz
baz said:
please go back and re read my post when did i say it was a guy in the car? i didnt even see the car i was behind a large white van! you use the term "allegedly taking photos" to infer that either i or the van driver is lying ! as for a training course thats my business , around 1983 i was on my way to purchase my dream bike a ducati 860 gt on my way there i was first on the scene of two police motorcyclists that had both crashed into the back of a stationary car waiting at a T junction to turn right now i dont know if the coppers were riding side by side or in front of one another i missed it by seconds they were just getting up when i got there the woman driver of the car was quite distraught but luckily both police riders were ok i have always wondered how this accident happened ! if the car wasnt there they would surely have skidded across the junction i guess police training back then is not up to todays standards and its the one and only time i have seen anything like this cheers baz

I can't ignore the wise reactions to my tales and too often decide not to risk a nice day ride as can't convince myself I up to it that day just to safely commute to see a paying patient as may not get there. I've crashed twice going balls to the wall, 1st '99 on drag strip wheelie launch as Combat hit 6800 rpm 2S zone and in '01 snicking 4th @14000 on Ninja that wheelied unexpected and landed hard on wiggling fork for 120-ish mph hi side bike on my head. Anywho everyone and ourselves has blinks in attention or decisions and pay the price whether our fault of not but to exposing ourselves outside a cage. I've almost hit cycles which I'm always on the look up cause I just love seeing-hearing a free soul passing by and always glance more than once but sometime blind zones line up just right for a surprise view too dam close that scares me almost as much as cycler. If anyone really applied correct logic on the known hazards they must admit they can't in any way logically support safe travel with any cycle riding. There must be an infinite variety of conditions that never happened prior that ends with a splat no matter who or noone at fault when on a stupid fun cycle.

My 1st and only rear end collision was heading for a cave with club members in pu in GA 1972 and slowed way down for construction area with red greasy mud layer over hwy - glanced ahead to see flowing traffic line 8-10 lengths away so glanced to side at the construction about a second to look up to see woman 3 cars ahead slam on brakes then mustang then me to slide into it about 10 mph by then pushing it on mud into 2nd car which pissed the guy off so much he put in reverse and slammed back at me, then I got hit from behind too. My ole 3/4 ton Dodge pu didn't get much damage. i got a ticket I never paid but the sad-funny part was the mustang was being driven home form repair shop d/t similar double ended impact prior. The woman who actually caused this heard the impacts but just turned off hwy and went home like nothing happened. L.A.F Inc. Life Ain't Fair.
Al-otment said:
lcrken said:
Don't let the bastards wear you down, Baz. They're a small (but vocal) minority on the forum, and you just have to ignore them in favor of the vast majority of members who have a more positive attitude toward life.


Yeah, that makes sense. I advocate training in the interests of reducing accidents and I have a negative attitude toward life? It seems road abrasion is doing a good job of wearing Baz down.

Funny, I don't recall mentioning any names.

john robert bould said:
Is it just because the bike involved is a Norton Commando? I guess no one would careless if the rider was on a Honda.or Harley....A lad crashed his modern trials type bike into a car outside my gate..he was racing a mate in a car,looking back and jeering his mate...bang! He was in a bad way,i didnt respond on here..but had it been a would have heard! is the bike by the way Baz?
ive had to change the timing cover and re adjust the rita pickup the only problem is the reluctor is running about 3 thou out of centre the engine is running but i still have not strobed it up yet,i have beaten the front mudguard straight just so i can use it , replaced the indicator and i'm trying to salvage the fairing but i'm not sure about keeping it yet i may replace it with a BMW r90s style so it should be back on the road very soon cheers baz
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