bad day yesterday

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baz said:
Let's get something straight here I know its my own fault I have already stated that! Anyone would think I rode like this all the time! Its the first time in 38 years of riding this has happened ! And I do not seek sympathy I consider myself lucky to have walked away from doing something so stupid cheers baz

Sorry to hear about your accident. The same thing happened to me years ago on my BSA. In rush hour traffic and some woman in front of me decided to turn at the last minute and slammed on her brakes because she was "past" the turn. It's hard to anticipate stupidity. I was just on the throttle going into second gear and passing through the intersection. A motorcycle can't stop as fast as a car and even with enough space you can get into trouble. I looked for an escape route but there was none because of traffic...I now always leave extra space.
I have had vehicles of all descriptions run into my rear end and it ain't funny , so if it's the holy brigade or sympathy or any other shit on the planet you want to dig up in your tiny minds, fine. But it's your insurance that's paying the bill and your bike and body that is in a state. What does that tell you?
For crying out loud if ya ain't a modern traffic robot and ride a cycle its part of the life style to crash by your own oversight or someone-something else's out the blue. The better the area's scenery the more i'm distracted to follow a good ways back, after my close calls on bringing head back around shockeroo's. The worse an area's scenery, such as city construction on mud, the more I've been distracted to follow too close and only avoid impact at 20ish mph because I had room to swing around a close tail gate before stopped. Baz's 38 yrs safe interval is remarkable to me and I'd ride anywhere as his pillion, especially with his extra sense of watching ahead now. I'm a bit of habitual traffic passer but I hang way back from clusters of traffic watching lines of brakes light up constantly while i'm just free flowing on car or cycle with traffic piling up behind me. When I see opportunity to pass I've got run up room so don't need extra throttle to get around yet space to call off the pass in time of need. Wonder if tickets issued and legal or insurance hassles involved. Glad Baz didn't get run over like some of my almost surviving late friends.
john robert bould said:
That's life, fall over in the play ground and every one laughs..what did you expect? only when you get home and tell mummy ,do you get a hug :lol:
Why did you feel the need to tell the world? as this is a m/c forum was your post to tell us Commando brakes dont work? or something else did'nt :oops:
dont remember asking for sympathy ! i told the world because i crashed my Norton Commando coming home from a Norton rally and thought it might be relevant on this site ! my brakes are superb i have an apprillia pegaso front wheel with a 320mm disc a 4 pot nissin calliper braided hose and a 12mm master cylinder ,the rear calliper is a kawasaki kmx 125 front brake with a 14mm master cylinder but it was the rider that was at fault not the bike cheers baz
It happens, all it takes is a second of a distraction or following just a little too close and you're down. Glad you're ok and the bike can be fixed.

Just be glad you weren't wearing tiny shorts and a tank top or you'd hear it from the AGATT crowd too! :mrgreen:
baz said:
Al-otment said:
baz said:
.........Anyone would think I rode like this all the time! Its the first time in 38 years of riding this has happened !...........

I've got no idea how you ride Baz, but "first time in 38 years" is irrelevant. How many times do you think the habitual tailgating riders and drivers have crashed into the back of the vehicle in front? They'll do it once and then hopefully never tailgate again - except the idiots. The real bad news is the one time they do collide with the vehicle in front could result in serious injury to an innocent party. Book yourself on the Bikesafe course - you may be able to avoid that "next accident" - regardless of who is at fault.

chilly said:
Such wise words stating the bloody obvious from these folks Baz :roll: , just hope that in a moment of dreaming etc it never happens to them , it did to me and i'm usually very good at staying my distance ,( most of the time :shock: ) .

Glad you got away fairly lightly as i did , hope you both mend quickly :) .

Useful safety tip - try avoiding that "moment of dreaming" by not falIing asleep whilst on the road, even if it's only for a moment.
I'm not a keyboard warrior so you won't get what you want from me !! Cheers baz

I guarantee what the forum reaction would be if it had been the other way round i.e van driver crashing into back of a Commando. I've been the victim of a dickhead travelling too close and crashing into the back of me while I was braking heavily to avoid a taxi which pulled out into my path when I had right of way. I was on an XJ600 Yamaha and avoided the taxi, the dickhead who crashed into the back of my bike was on a Yamaha XJ900, much heavier bike, we both hit the deck.

What I'm after is safer roads. It would appear you consider yourself too experienced (38 years riding) to take advantage of advice that could prevent you becoming involved in further accidents.
Al-otment said:
baz said:
Al-otment said:
I've got no idea how you ride Baz, but "first time in 38 years" is irrelevant. How many times do you think the habitual tailgating riders and drivers have crashed into the back of the vehicle in front? They'll do it once and then hopefully never tailgate again - except the idiots. The real bad news is the one time they do collide with the vehicle in front could result in serious injury to an innocent party. Book yourself on the Bikesafe course - you may be able to avoid that "next accident" - regardless of who is at fault.

Useful safety tip - try avoiding that "moment of dreaming" by not falIing asleep whilst on the road, even if it's only for a moment.
I'm not a keyboard warrior so you won't get what you want from me !! Cheers baz

I guarantee what the forum reaction would be if it had been the other way round i.e van driver crashing into back of a Commando. I've been the victim of a dickhead travelling too close and crashing into the back of me while I was braking heavily to avoid a taxi which pulled out into my path when I had right of way. I was on an XJ600 Yamaha and avoided the taxi, the dickhead who crashed into the back of my bike was on a Yamaha XJ900, much heavier bike, we both hit the deck.

What I'm after is safer roads. It would appear you consider yourself too experienced (38 years riding) to take advantage of advice that could prevent you becoming involved in further accidents.

Baz made a bad judgement and has held his hand up to that, in the process sharing a timely heads up with us. He hasn't said he's too experienced to do a bikesafe course, - you have. Why are you repeatedly bashing him?
Clanger said:
Baz made a bad judgement and has held his hand up to that, in the process sharing a timely heads up with us. He hasn't said he's too experienced to do a bikesafe course, - you have. Why are you repeatedly bashing him?

Bike goes into the back of a van and it's just bad judgement, other way round and forum members would be baying for the drivers blood. I'm pointing out bad driving is bad driving no matter what the vehicle. I assume Baz drives a car, or something bigger? Hope he pays more attention when he's out in something weighing 1 ton plus. Or would the motorcyclist that gets hit just put it down to bad judgement. The fact he called the guy that braked (allegedly to take a photo) an idiot, speaks volumes about his attitude. Maybe Baz can post intended routes when he next goes out on his bike or car.
You don't seem to realise how high and mighty you're coming on here?

I get the impression that it would be pointless to ask if you've ever made a mistake on the road.
Clanger said:
You don't seem to realise how high and mighty you're coming on here?

I get the impression that it would be pointless to ask if you've ever made a mistake on the road.

Read my first post - we all make mistakes. Because I don't come out with sympathetic platitudes but suggest something constructive I'm 'high and mighty'? I see lots of people who look old enough to have 38 years driving experience driving carelessly - and worse. They're still doing it because they've been lucky so far. Baz mentions he's driven into the back of a van, calls the guy who braked an idiot and then mentions it's the first time in 38 years as if this is relevant - I suggest he takes some training and he implies its end of conversation.

I conclude he is of the opinion he dosen't require further training because he's been on the road 38 years and he's never ridden into the back of a van before - and you're calling me high and mighty.

RJB, it's driving without due care and attention, 3 points, in my opinion.
Hell, I thought this was a good forum until now! I certainly won't be owning up to any rider error or even a workshop error in the future if it produces 3 pages of verbal assault like this! People make mistakes and if they are strong enough to publicly admit it for the benefit of others, it should be encouraged!
It's all down to out come Truck ploughs into the van ,thats Due care , bike hits a van thats a "sorry " push bike smacks the rear, driver asks if the cyclist is OK? runner hits the van..thats a laugh..basicly if no one is hurt and no damage ..Its a none event. Baz will live another day...insult to injury never goe's down well.
pdl999 said:
Hell, I thought this was a good forum until now! I certainly won't be owning up to any rider error or even a workshop error in the future if it produces 3 pages of verbal assault like this! People make mistakes and if they are strong enough to publicly admit it for the benefit of others, it should be encouraged!

How does Baz posting he's crashed into the back of a van benefit others? I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Baz to say he's booked onto a further training course - which would be of benefit to others.
Baz, I can relate.
I crashed ten years ago in S. Cal and there is one club member who still likes to talk about it, gets all happy discussing my mistake. I did not get hurt , but my passenger did, some very nasty bruising.
This club member had his own misadventure recently and got hurt quite badly. We all thought it would bring some humility, but not a bit, according to him the road was constructed improperly and it was not an actual crash as there was only damage to his body, not the bike! But he really doesn't like discussing his off road experience, he still prefers to rehash my ten year old incident!
The Germans call it Schadenfreude, the English call it Morose Delectation or Harmjoy, ugly stuff!!

worntorn said:
Baz, I can relate.
I crashed ten years ago in S. Cal and there is one club member who still likes to talk about it, gets all happy discussing my mistake. I did not get hurt , but my passenger did, some very nasty bruising.
This club member had his own misadventure recently and got hurt quite badly. We all thought it would bring some humility, but not a bit, according to him the road was constructed improperly and it was not an actual crash as there was only damage to his body, not the bike! But he really doesn't like discussing his off road experience, he still prefers to rehash my ten year old incident!
The Germans call it Schadenfreude, the English call it Morose Delectation or Harmjoy, ugly stuff!!


The English call it 'taking the piss'.
pdl999 said:
Hell, I thought this was a good forum until now! I certainly won't be owning up to any rider error or even a workshop error in the future if it produces 3 pages of verbal assault like this! People make mistakes and if they are strong enough to publicly admit it for the benefit of others, it should be encouraged!

Don't let one turd taint the whole pool. It might just be a Baby Ruth. :mrgreen:

If you find someone extremely offensive click on their username and mark them "Foe". I believe this will automatically hide all their posts from you.
Al-otment said:
worntorn said:
Baz, I can relate.
I crashed ten years ago in S. Cal and there is one club member who still likes to talk about it, gets all happy discussing my mistake. I did not get hurt , but my passenger did, some very nasty bruising.
This club member had his own misadventure recently and got hurt quite badly. We all thought it would bring some humility, but not a bit, according to him the road was constructed improperly and it was not an actual crash as there was only damage to his body, not the bike! But he really doesn't like discussing his off road experience, he still prefers to rehash my ten year old incident!
The Germans call it Schadenfreude, the English call it Morose Delectation or Harmjoy, ugly stuff!!


The English call it 'taking the piss'.

Canadians call, can't post it on a public forum.
john robert bould said:
what would the plod say? "tough luck son" or would it be a due care rap?

Driving "without due care and attention" is a strange thing in so much as, in reality, EVERY road traffic accident (RTA) is down to someone not displaying said due care.

I had a minor RTA (in a car) in 1995. I was prosecuted for driving without due care. At the time, I thought this was harsh, so looked into pleading not guilty. The solicitor I spoke to simply said that the fact I had crashed (and it was my fault), was proof in itself that I could not claim to have been displaying due care.

I argued that that meant EVERY crash meant someone was guilty of this... to which he agreed, and said the police simply choose when to prosecute and when not!
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