batrider said:
Another urban legend repeated til the Internet makes it true. There are a lot of variables that affect the life of an electrolytic capacitor. It is much longer than the 18 months figure being spouted here though.
Really? Another urban myth, eh? Well, if so, it predates the internet. The following is a quote from my 1971 Triumph workshop manual (page H19 if you want to look it up, but of course, why would you when you've got your own hubristic sense of certainty to fall back on!):
Storage Life of Model 2MC Capacitor
The life of the 2MC is very much affected by storage in high temperatures. The higher the temperature the shorter its shelf life. At normal termperatures, i.e. 20C (68F) it will have a shelf life of about 18 months. At 40C (86F) about 9 to 12 months. Therefore, storing in a cool place will maintain their efficiency.
So, if the 18 month figure is being "spouted" it was spouted by Triumph a long time ago. If you've ot one that has lasted 30-odd years good luck to you. I suppose it proves that old Joe Lucas' company did something right despite all the maligning they've endure over the years.
The decay test is detailed in both my Nroton and my Triumph workshop manuals. So, batrider, as it was news to you it would appear that, despite your love of techno explorations, you haven't actually read the book. You know what they say: When all else fails, read the instructions.
And, yeah, your opinionate posts with your contemptuous tone do piss me off.