And so it begins

Pass me the magic wand, please. The best bang for the buck is reduce the human population by spending a few billion on birth control programs around the world...every race, every nation, everybody. We are approx 8 billion and climbing. Using up all the resources at a rapid rate. When the fresh water runs out and the sea levels rise and the desert countries / states become too hot to support life all those people have to go SOMEWHERE. You think there's an immigration problem now? We can use the traditional method of wars to eliminate populations or do it in a much kinder way and simply not have so many children. I would like to see a target population of 2 billion worldwide.
And another thing...using all the power that the magic wand can provide, I would cut the military budget by 50% starting January 2024. Then it's STRICT ACCOUNTING for every penny spent.
I know, I'm dreaming.
Not everyone agrees with that. There is a school of thought that actually we are facing a population decline (not right now, but that’s the forecast).

And that that is going to cause us to have to have a massive re think…
Not everyone agrees with that. There is a school of thought that actually we are facing a population decline (not right now, but that’s the forecast).

And that that is going to cause us to have to have a massive re think…
What happened to the doom and gloom prediction that the population of Africa alone will double by 2030 ?
What happened to the doom and gloom prediction that the population of Africa alone will double by 2030 ?
I dunno. All above my pay grade.

The population decline gang is not all sweetness and light, they also paint a depressing picture, partly of a disruption whereby there won’t be enough people to fill al job vacancies, causing economic issues, but mainly of financial disaster as the lower birth rates will reach a point whereby the working population cannot sustain / finance the retired population, kinda bursting the bubble on the ‘system’ as it has been run thus far.

I take solace in being too dumb to understand it all !
Without wishing to appear confrontational in any way, as a soon to be pensioner may I point out that the 'retired' population are not the only section of society supported by the 'working' population.

Many part time workers limit their hours so as to not interfere with their 'benefits'

I'm sure there are many more claiming, but no point going there, just exercising my new found inner 'crumblie' :)
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What happened to the doom and gloom prediction that the population of Africa alone will double by 2030 ?
Gee there is alot of 2030 forecast type predictions ... is it tin foil time :) or are they just being blatant thugs ?
Predictions are based on stuff that we are currently worrying about. Things that actually cause change are usually unseen until they happen. Just as war's consequences are those unconsidered when they start.
Example: How the internet really ended newspapers and even television. Better yet how mobiles ended the use of cash and anonymity. Add the two and get 'working from home'.
And coming down the pike: robotization and artificial intelligence.
Anybody placing prediction bets ? Good luck! :)
Transhumanism and artificial intelligence are currently physical hot topics with alot of technology and work that has gone forward to date.
Generally pushed by this crowd below they now only let the chosen few comment :)


  • And so it begins
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I love science fiction movies, but there will be no warp drive and AI is a LONG way from being anything like the movies.

The most powerful AI computers can seem smart but actually they have been trained on a rather narrow subject - overall, they are dumb. The computing power to do everything a human body needs done and to make simple choices like where to go, when to go, how to get there, and when to start, out of the blue are WAY beyond anything anyone has tried to do with AI.

Someday there might be general use AI that is mobile but it will take many years (centuries?) of computing and power improvements to get computers and power sources to the level where they would be anything like a movie general purpose AI robot.
I love science fiction movies, but there will be no warp drive and AI is a LONG way from being anything like the movies.

The most powerful AI computers can seem smart but actually they have been trained on a rather narrow subject - overall, they are dumb. The computing power to do everything a human body needs done and to make simple choices like where to go, when to go, how to get there, and when to start, out of the blue are WAY beyond anything anyone has tried to do with AI.

Someday there might be general use AI that is mobile but it will take many years (centuries?) of computing and power improvements to get computers and power sources to the level where they would be anything like a movie general purpose AI robot.
It always starts off with.. for your health
Technology can be very rapid
I'm still hoping this won't go ahead but I fear it will
Also the ulez zone is being extended to greater London despite 73% of residents opposing it !
This legislation has been passed i believe ...
The only way to change the trajectory is to Toss out the incumbents OUT and amend the current policy...without sounding negative I can't see that happening in Oxfordshire unless enough get behind a revolt to put them in there place. (edit) but im sure there are about 20,000 students based in the area
With a population of 700,000 a majority percentage has already voted these loonies in....(edit) will look into this to connect some dots.(EDIT) Well connected 👇


  • And so it begins
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Without wishing to appear confrontational in any way, as a soon to be pensioner may I point out that the 'retired' population are not the only section of society supported by the 'working' population.

Many part time workers limit their hours so as to not interfere with their 'benefits'

I'm sure there are many more claiming, but no point going there, just exercising my new found inner 'crumblie' :)

Not to mention the explosion of non productive workers who are supported by tax paying workers.
Non productive workers are those employed by government (local to federal), and the military.
Non productive means their work produces no tangible product that becomes part of the Gross National Procduct. This is not saying all such workers are not necessary, but that just that like pensioners, they are supported by other tax payers.

If you think about it, such non productive workers pay no income taxes, they merely rebate some of their wages back to their employer.

Not to mention the explosion of non productive workers who are supported by tax paying workers.
Non productive workers are those employed by government (local to federal), and the military.
Non productive means their work produces no tangible product that becomes part of the Gross National Procduct. This is not saying all such workers are not necessary, but that just that like pensioners, they are supported by other tax payers.

If you think about it, such non productive workers pay no income taxes, they merely rebate some of their wages back to their employer.

In the UK we now have a massive amount of people of working age that are on disability benefits
In the UK we now have a massive amount of people of working age that are on disability benefits

In the UK we now have a massive amount of people of working age that are on disability benefits
I see what you mean...
There are four main categories that define disabilities:
  • Behavioural or emotional.
  • Sensory impaired disorders.
  • Physical.
  • Developmental.
And so it begins › ... › Care

Different types of disabilities | behavioural, emotional and sensory
