Something to think about


May 26, 2010
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A workmate of mine a fair bit younger than me (he's only 40)had a bike accident just over a year ago
The accident wasn't his fault he was hit by a white van man
It'd be easier to list what he didn't break than what he did break
Needless to say he has had life changing injuries
I honestly don't know how he survived,he lived and breathed bikes, spent all his money on them and didn't own a car although he has a car license
He is just about starting to walk short distances now after 13 months
He has lost his car and motorcycle license because he has a blind spot in one of his eyes
The white van man was over the drink drive limit for alcohol
And tested positive for drugs ,the accident was caught on film by a garden centre
White van man pleads guilty
And gets
Wait for it
A two year ban and a fine !!!!
I'm sure if it had been me I would have died at the scene
I have tried to imagine how I'd feel being given the knowledge that I'll never ride again
And the bloke responsible got a two year ban!!! FFS
A workmate of mine a fair bit younger than me (he's only 40)had a bike accident just over a year ago
The accident wasn't his fault he was hit by a white van man
It'd be easier to list what he didn't break than what he did break
Needless to say he has had life changing injuries
I honestly don't know how he survived,he lived and breathed bikes, spent all his money on them and didn't own a car although he has a car license
He is just about starting to walk short distances now after 13 months
He has lost his car and motorcycle license because he has a blind spot in one of his eyes
The white van man was over the drink drive limit for alcohol
And tested positive for drugs ,the accident was caught on film by a garden centre
White van man pleads guilty
And gets
Wait for it
A two year ban and a fine !!!!
I'm sure if it had been me I would have died at the scene
I have tried to imagine how I'd feel being given the knowledge that I'll never ride again
And the bloke responsible got a two year ban!!! FFS
What a world we live in - the villain gets a two year ban and the victim looses for life . It’s just as bad on this side of the pond .
Makes my blood boil .
He lives in a flat 2 floors up
He told me if he can ever afford to get a ground floor flat he's going to buy another bike so he can wheel it in to look at it now and then
Choked me up!
That is indeed a kick in the ass, insult to injury. Here in New Hampshire we have a trial going on right now of a Russian truck driver who killed 7 members of a motorcycle club out for a group ride in 2019. The guy admitted to having done heroine and cocaine 12 hours before the accident but the judge dismissed 8 of the charges of impairment for lack of evidence. In other words, they never drug tested him at the scene or the police station afterwards.
Sadly we appear to have some seriously misguided judges here in the UK.

It's hardly going to deter the next lunatic getting into a car when out of their skull..
That is indeed a kick in the ass, insult to injury. Here in New Hampshire we have a trial going on right now of a Russian truck driver who killed 7 members of a motorcycle club out for a group ride in 2019. The guy admitted to having done heroine and cocaine 12 hours before the accident but the judge dismissed 8 of the charges of impairment for lack of evidence. In other words, they never drug tested him at the scene or the police station afterwards.
That's sickening!
Sadly we appear to have some seriously misguided judges here in the UK.

It's hardly going to deter the next lunatic getting into a car when out of their skull..
I thought the bloke would be put away
What would have happened if my mate had died ?
Because really it's the same offence in my view
My mate still can't work , there's no sick pay
All he gets is ssp £98 a week
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I do think that those who drive professionally should incur greater penalties for ANY driving offences (and that includes me!) Too often the 'losing my job' card is pulled as an excuse for leniency.
I know too many HGV drivers that totally flout the mobile phone usage at the wheel, and the one time I was 'recovered' by the RAC (car electrics), I had to sit next to the guy driving with one elbow whilst regaling his Mrs via phone of his day's activities!!
I do think that those who drive professionally should incur greater penalties for ANY driving offences (and that includes me!) Too often the 'losing my job' card is pulled as an excuse for leniency.
I know too many HGV drivers that totally flout the mobile phone usage at the wheel, and the one time I was 'recovered' by the RAC (car electrics), I had to sit next to the guy driving with one elbow whilst regaling his Mrs via phone of his day's activities!!
I believe the bloke was a builder but I'm not sure ,makes no difference really
He still got off light with a fine and two years loss of license driving under the influence of drink and drugs and the accident was his fault
It was definitely a white van though !
Some years ago I was driving ( in a car ) during early morning commute hours on a busy highway out of Philadelphia - Rt 70 in Cherry Hill NJ . I was following a BIG Mercedes sedan ( land yacht size ) It was being driven erratically so when the opportunity to pass came I quickly did so . I glanced over at the driver - to my horror he was steering with one knee while reading a newspaper draped over the wheel , talking on cell phone in one hand and shaving with an electric razor in the other and foam coffee cup balanced on the dash . I wonder if he has killed anyone yet .
A workmate of mine a fair bit younger than me (he's only 40)had a bike accident just over a year ago
The accident wasn't his fault he was hit by a white van man
It'd be easier to list what he didn't break than what he did break
Needless to say he has had life changing injuries
I honestly don't know how he survived,he lived and breathed bikes, spent all his money on them and didn't own a car although he has a car license
He is just about starting to walk short distances now after 13 months
He has lost his car and motorcycle license because he has a blind spot in one of his eyes
The white van man was over the drink drive limit for alcohol
And tested positive for drugs ,the accident was caught on film by a garden centre
White van man pleads guilty
And gets
Wait for it
A two year ban and a fine !!!!
I'm sure if it had been me I would have died at the scene
I have tried to imagine how I'd feel being given the knowledge that I'll never ride again
And the bloke responsible got a two year ban!!! FFS
The commonwealth judicial system needs a massive overhaul...poor bugger...where is the restitution for the victim?
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This kind of thing is sickening to me.

I am not God, not a judge, and by no means an executioner. However, I believe ANYONE who kills another person with a vehicle, while drunk, should be locked up for LIFE, without hope of parole. PERIOD.

I further believe anyone who injures another person, and/or wrecks or destroys their vehicle, should be made to pay to the last farthing, from all they own being auctioned off, whilst THEY sit in prison, then one year for ever day the victim is in hospital.

Very, very sad indeed...
I rode motorcycles on public roads for ten years and never had an accident which involved another vehicle. But I realise the reality. I went road racing when I was 29. What I like about riding motorcycles is the adrenalin rush. When you race, you learn to control that , so you do not make mistakes. On public roads, it is survival of the fittest in random uncontrolled events. To a car or truck driver you not a threat, so you become invisible.
Most car drivers have never ridden a motorcycle. In the UK, in the 1960s , it was probably safer for motorcyclists, but the helmets were not.