pre 71 side stand

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Apr 27, 2015
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My 70 commando bolt on side stand has gotten sloppy. Being a 70 model the lug can be unbolted from the frame for inspection. All the play is in the dowel pin hole on the lug. The pin and the side stand yoke still are a good tight fit. The plate welded on the frame that the lug bolts to is solid also.

So,... I ordered the new lug to bolt on, which removes the slop from the side stand and corrects the problem. Problem solved, but not improved

And So,... I have the old lug left over which will still bolt up fine, with it's sloppy 7/16" pin hole. I've ordered a new dowel pin in 1/2" from Mcmaster-carr and am thinking I can drill out the sloppy hole in the old lug to 1/2", then see if I can find a longer side stand member from some other donor bike to correct the somewhat short original side stand member without sacrificing the repair I've already done for this experiment.

Anyone here ever graft a different bike's side stand arm onto a commando lug?? There's a ton of side stands on ebay that are cheap and the similar configuration as the commando one. However non of them list their length nor their "bolt diameter".

Anyone do this? or am I on my own.... ?
A T140 sidestand will work with some minor modifications, and the length is just about right. I employed this fix until I was able to strip down, and weld the later sidestand plate a few years ago. The later plate modification is the best option IMO.
Looks like you get to be a pioneer. You gotta wonder if something like this would fit:

I already ordered a similar sidestand off ebay for $18. I think it was from a suzuki 1100, or something like that. I just chose it by eye because there's no way to gauge the lengths of these things without messaging back and forth with the sellers, which I don't have the patience to do.

My original 70 side stand still actually works, but it's developed a sloppy wiggle which I've traced to wear on the lug hole only, so for ~ $50. I got a new bolt on lug which should fix the original parts.

Like Russ said, "I'm a pioneer" and I have the old part that I could spend another $40. to try and make it all into a workable longer side stand for the notoriously short stock one on my 70 commando. I'll report back the results good or bad when I finish my work.

*I'm not sure the oldbritts mod works for early frame commandos with the frame cross member in a different location...
Usually all Pioneers get are arrows in their arses! Auld joke, best of fortune with the mods!
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