WOW is this a deal!???

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That seems to be the norm on e-bay now, I have seen people just like this guy asking more for used junk than you can buy it for new. I guess one is born every second. LOL LOL. But that is hard to understand. Chuck. :roll: :roll:
You have to pay big bucks for original 70s rust!

Modern rust is too cheap and flimsy.
grandpaul said:
You have to pay big bucks for original 70s rust!

Modern rust is too cheap and flimsy.

Good point, I hadn't thought that the old parts are better quality.

Buying the cheaper new stuff is one way of enlightening your bike though and keeping some torque in your bottom end back pocket (wallet) hehe.
Couldn't be a typo ($39.90) or as they say in this part of the world.... your havin a larf !!! :P
I've yet to see recently made Roadster panels which look anything like the correct shape so I would prefer secondhand panels any time.

These are too expensive but what is the correct price for someone who is searching and can't find ?

Whatever, if they're original paint then they'll be ideal for anyone trying to match the correct shade of black on a rebuild. :)
I've recently dug my Norton up out of a barn after it being stored for 20 years. Along with it were all the old cycle mags and parts catalogs I had which I've been flipping through. After looking at 20 year old prices this looked over the top! I guess I have some adjusting to do.
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