Quality of life might also involve ' having fun'. It is already not much fum driving a car on public road. In my life I have about four passions - music, motorcycle road racing, working snd learning. I have had about ten career changes in my life and about 6 jobs which I would have done for no pay. Everything is about values and genuine interest. When people staet talking about autonomous and electric vehicles, I start thinking about a farmer in Deliliquin who owns a 1929 Bentley. I would really like to do 100 MPH in that, before our world changes too much.
Safety is important, but there must be balance.
If you stay in bed, you might be safe and die quicker from boredom.
I am 91. When I was young, we motorcyclists were the shit. But I think we might have been the smartest. We actually enjoyed living, loving and dying. Many people do not know any better.