The charge light relay on my '74 has become intermittant. I guess 35 years is too much to ask.. What's the preferred replacement nowadays? I'm using a 3 phase alternator if it matters.
Mine was lighting intermittantly , didn't change with new replacement assimilator, fixed when the bulb was removed and the soft metal tip scraped smooth. I think vibration wore the bulb tip
When I put in a three-phase alternator, I rewired mine to act as a simple "ignition on" light. Charging really isn't an issue with a decent modern alternator, and the "ignition on" light is actually handy.
The charge light relay on my '74 has become intermittant. I guess 35 years is too much to ask.. What's the preferred replacement nowadays? I'm using a 3 phase alternator if it matters.
Cool Cat SS3AW solid state replacement for $19.95. This was made for Jaguars. They also use the Lucas 3AW warning light assimilator. For our positive ground Nortons switch the orange and black leads. I'm using it with a Lucas 3 phase alternator and it has been fine.
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