Missing "Warning light Assimilator" & "Blue Lamp Flasher Unit". Lucas Rita Ignition, Podtronics rectifier / regulator


Jan 8, 2021
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I am working on resurrecting a 1974 850 MKII Norton Commando that has been off the road for a decade or more. Currently going through the wiring, which is a right old rats nest and replacing it with a new replacement lucas wiring loom. All is going relatively smoothly, but evidently I am missing a "warning light assimilator", (presumably the red ignition warning light control unit) and the "Blue lamp flasher unit", (presumbaly allows one to flash the headlight).

I have been doing some cursory research and there appears to be some information out there on the ether that suggests there may be a problem with the above components, if you are running an electronic ignition and or solid state rectifier / regulator. Such makes me wonder that maybe that is the reason these components are missing on my Commando? Is there any truth to this? Can I install more modern components to perform the same functions? The bike is equipped with a Lucas Rita electronic ignition, (which appears to work great) and a podtronics 12v rectifier / regulator.

Many Thanks,

Kind Regards,

All is going relatively smoothly, but evidently I am missing a "warning light assimilator", (presumably the red ignition warning light control unit)
Yes, however...

and the "Blue lamp flasher unit", (presumbaly allows one to flash the headlight).

...No, that's the Interpol (police/military) model only (for the blue lamps) nothing to do with flashing the headlight.

If you are referring to the (Wassell) Lucas diagram then it's the assimilator that connects where it is marked "Blue Lamp Flasher Unit". The auxiliary socket connects to where it is marked "Warning Light Assimilator".
If you go full modern, IMHO a new hardness is more trouble than it's worth. I go full modern with:
Tri-Spark Ignition
Tri-Spark MOSFET Regulator
Don Pender Oil Pressure switch.

This eliminates the bridge rectifier, Zener diode, Assimilator, Points, Condensers, Balast resistor, and a lot of wires. I also eliminate the Capacitor (not needed) and the power connector, and they eliminate more wires. I also eliminate the mass of connections under the tank and make connections in the headlight shell - this eliminates an entire hardness. There's more info here: https://gregmarsh.com/MC/Norton/Norton_1974_Wiring.aspx When I wrote that I was still installing the capacitor but have stopped now. Going forward, I'm installing the flasher in the headlight shell which eliminates more long wires.

You can remove the covering from the new harness and make the wires as needed if willing to keep the headlight harness.
Hi L.a.b. & marshg246:

Wow! Thank you both for your replies. Answers to my questions and additional helpful information to boot! I had not previously looked at the Greg Marsh site. Amazing source of info!

Thanks again,

Kind regards,

not to go against the flow here, but i installed a new lucas service replacement wiring harness in my 74Mk2 and found it was pretty much plug and play, without major issues. i did upgrade the (tri-spark) ignition system and tri-spark mosfett regulator. because i removed the condensors and ballast resistor, and relocated the assimilator, there was some minor wiring changes, but no show stoppers. flasher, starting cap and everything else, w/ wiring, fell into place side note - used a special contact grease (not dielectric) on all those lucas bullet connectors. 3 years now - trouble free.