Warning light assimilator wiring with 3 phase alternator and solid state Regulator / rectifier. Flashing light


Jan 8, 2021
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The red ignition warning light on my headlamp shell is flashing!

I have installed a 3 phase alternator and podtronics solid state regulator / rectifier on my 1974 MKII 850 Commando. I have also added a three prong 06-2054 warning light assimilator. When the ignition is turned on the red warning light on the headlight comes on. When the bike is started the light does NOT go fully out...... It starts slowing flashing, light intensity is very dim. Behavior is the same regardless of how many revs.

I'm wondering if I have not wired the WLA correctly?

The wiring loom is new, there is of course no original zenor diode or rectifier. The WLA is connected to the factory loom: White/brown goes to the warning light in the headlight, red goes to ground, (still 12v positive ground electrics). I think the crux of the matter is what to do with the Green/yellow wire connected to the thrid prong of the WLA. The loom includes two wires, (one green/White and one Green/Yellow) that would have been connected to a single phase stator ring. I have connected the Green/Yellow wire formerly required to be connected to a single phase stator to one of the three wires coming off the 3 phase stator ring. I have not done anything with the Green/ White wire.

Is this correct or am I missing something?


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I have installed a 3 phase alternator and podtronics solid state regulator / rectifier on my 1974 MKII 850 Commando. I have also added a three prong 06-2054 warning light assimilator.
I'm wondering if I have not wired the WLA correctly?
I have connected the Green/Yellow wire formerly required to be connected to a single phase stator to one of the three wires coming off the 3 phase stator ring. I have not done anything with the Green/ White wire.

You have connected it correctly, however, as far as I know, the WLA was never designed to work with a three-phase system which is probably why it isn't functioning correctly.

In my opinion, it would be better to fit a voltage monitor/charge warning device.
I use the RGM solid state copy of the WLA with a 3 phase alternator and it works as advertised, no flashing. Previously I had the old WLA but it is 30 odd years ago since it failed but it did not flash with the 3 phase alternator installed. So it sounds like your WLA is wounded. Today I would go for as per LAB's suggestion but you could keep what you have and ignore the flashing until it totally dies or buy if you want the original functionality.

I had a similar problem when I rebuilt my Mk3 though I retained the single phase stator and used a Trispark mosfet reg/rec, in the end Trispark confirmed the std assimilator will not work with modern reg/recs.
Problem solved! I binned my warning light assimilator and installed a charge warning light from https://improvingclassicmotorcycles.com/products.htm, as suggested by L.A.B.

Brilliant piece of kit! Actively monitors the state of the battery, when it reads 12.6 volts or higher, the light goes out. Flashes if the battery is running flat or being overcharged! So much more helpful than just monitoring if the stator is producing current!
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Problem solved! I binned my warning light assimilator and installed a charge warning light from https://improvingclassicmotorcycles.com/products.htm, as suggested by L.A.B.

Brilliant piece of kit! Actively monitors the state of the battery, when it reads 12.6 volts or higher, the light goes out. Flashes if the battery is running flat or being overcharged! So much more helpful than just monitoring if the stator is producing current!
Another plus for that kit is that it can fit inside your headlight shell.
i just replaced the stupid thing with a voltage meter,, and will eventually hook it up to an oil pressure switch.