They do not make replicas of the Triconsul switch. However, they do reproduct the Tricon. You could replace the red button from the Tricon with the green one from your Triconsul and have a stock appearing switch. However, I would tape off the wire leading from this button as you cannot use the Tricon switch for a headlight flash. I find this to be the simplest method as most of us rarely use the headlight flash option anyway.
Alternately, you can add a post from your old switch to the new one and run a jumper from the high beam post to this new post. Rebending the copper strip allows the button to act as a bridge from the high beam to a direct source from the battery. This method will allow you to convert the Tricon to a Triconsul and give you the highbeam flash, but you must take care that the reformed copper strip does not contact the housing or handlebar.
As far as the solid green ball tachometer, I don't know of a source for NEW Smiths instruments. They turn up on occasion, but a repair/rebuild on your unit should run between $100-$200. If you find a NOS unit I would doubt you would find it cheaper. In addition, an NOS unit sitting for 38 years would probably have all the lube dried up and would likely work for a short time before it, too would need rebuilding. Send your unit to Nisonger for rebuilding.