Torque Settings Absent from Workshop Manual

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Mar 6, 2010
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I've got the original factory manual and the Haynes maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot but I can't, for the life of me, find torque settings for the front and rear axle nuts. Anybody have specs? 30ft/lbs maybe?

The torque figures are given in the 850 MkIII factory manual as:

"Front spindle nut: 60 lbs.ft."
"Rear wheel nut (dummy spindle): 80 lbs./ft."
"Rear wheel spindle: 80 lbs./ft."
80 ft lb seems awfully high for the rear axle. I recall snapping an axle while tightening it many years ago. And more recently, I crushed the spacer in the speedo drive from over tightening.

Ever see the stamped steel box spanner that the Norton toolkit had for that? Y'ain't gonna get no 80 ft lbs on it.
Yoose guys are risking destructive assembly if going by the manual torque levels.
on things that must be un-done now and then with normal use-wear, like axle nuts, clutch nut, sprocket nuts. On most engine parts, expect the rod bolts which should be stretch measured, its rather better to exceed the manual torque levels.
A non- Nortoneer that has not long ago learned by trial and failure of over torquing various fasteners in various states-conditions, may have unpleasant learning curve.
Factory did not use T-wrench on anything but rod nuts, taking a cheap short cut to measure for proper stretch clamp force.
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