just when i was getting satisfied with my carbs.......today when i started her up, for the first time the charging light stayed on. all the revs did not help. oh well, i will ride her around anyway. as soon as i scooted it off the center stand, the light went out? i rode a few miles and the light intermittedly came off and on, usually over 3 grand it stayed off. later on i started her up again, the light was on strong, pushed off the center stand, and off it went. back on the stand, on again? does Lucas have a sense of humor? I had no tester with me so i left her for the night. i traced the alt wires to the connectors, they seemed clean. i will spray moisture displacement tomorrow, along with volt test. i am embarrassed to say i could not find the ground to frame? any ideas????????? The shop manual for testing was abit intimidating. any laymen sequence i should follow? i know i have a lot to learn. i was supposed to be off on my first road trip this weekend. any help is always appreciated. cheers, jerome