Thanks for all of the splendid input. Today, after a night of agonising where to start, I have double checked some wiring and have resolved all of the issues. Partly it’s the ‘ignition’ and ’oil’ decal disparity that really threw me, and once I’d been made aware that the red light means oil pressure and not charging status I could investigate more fully.
so, it’s sorted, yes it has oil pressure and it returns to the tank nicely too. Yes, also to the charging as the voltage across the battery rises nicely when revving the engine.
It starts nice and easy and now just needs to be fine tuned. I am waiting for the correct battery to be supplied, but what I’ve fitted will do for now.
the leaking fuel tap stopped overnight, probably because it emptied it! Thankfully I’d only added a litre to start off with. I’ve added more this morning to enable me to run it, and it’s all dry.
I’ve fitted the seat and check strap.
What I do need rather urgently is a battery side panel as the bike is incomplete and I can’t find one anywhere so far. I know there’s a fibreglass option but that is not acceptable by the owner. There’s also a repro steel one, but doesn’t come with the Trident badge plinth. The plinth is nla although the decal is available.