Repairing a worn flat frame tube

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Feb 15, 2012
Just showing a repair we had to do to my 71 Roadster during the restoration process. We had discovered that the previous owner had used a hose clamp to hold the exhaust against the lower right hand side frame tube. Over the years it had worn the tube flat on one side to the point where we were concerned about the remaining thickness of the tube. The repair involved using a TIG welder and laying down several beads of ER70S2 filler rod along the length of the area damaged and then grinding it round again. It turned out very nice as far as I'm concerned.
In addition we discovered that the side stand had been MIG welded to the frame tube on the left side of the bike. We were wondering if this was a common practice?
Pictures here:
and here:
Fine work , I'm sure this wiill hold out no probs. Can you post a few photos of the sidestand lug area too ?
I'll get a picture of the area tomorrow however we removed the side-stand and ground away the old clumps of weld. We were wondering if perhaps the stand had a tendency to slip or something when weight was put on it.
Sounds good. This area collapses as previous owners put all their weight into it whilst on the sidestand , bending the frame inwards or bending the lug upwards . A bent frametube can be bent back out again with judicious use of force (no banging with hammers but gentle cold no heat, just leverage) to bring back to original . Awaiting pictures of lug.
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