Flo — I have been building wheels for more than 20 years, and I have always found that wheels with offset hubs like those on Commandos and Triumph triples are devils to get right! I have found that in order to end up with the correct offset, I have to increase the offset by about 3-4 mm before the final tensioning of the spokes (but after the wheel has been trued). Otherwise, as you carefully and methodically try to tighten all the spokes to the same tension, your carefully measured offset will decrease and you could end up with the spokes on one side too tight and on the other side not tight enough. This is because the set of spokes on the 'dished' side has a significantly greater leverage than the opposing set and the hub is trying to self-centre in relation to the wheel rim. You may have to experiment with the 'over-correction' of the offset. Sorry if this sounds over-complicated and clunky but try it and see how you get on. I am not claiming that this is the only way of doing it, and others may have evolved their own methods, but it works for me.