Primary Case Seal Driving Me Nuts

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Dec 5, 2017
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Slowly getting my 850 back together after two months waiting for parts from the US.
Im now trying to fit the primary o-ring seal and after an hour im about ready to walk away for a few days calm down. It just wont stay in the inner cover channel groove long enough to let me fit the outer. Keeps popping out. Ive done this same fitment three or four time in past two years without such a problem. Im thinking seal might have swelled up or something.

Not using any adhesives. My last bit of hylomar just made it even more slippy and and it falls out before I can engage it all way around the channel.
Wipe it down clean as possible , bag it and put it in fridge overnight , while fridge is open grab your fav beverage and relax ..... you will get it next time
The are indeed large for the groove but once in and tightened they seem to almost disappear leaving you wondering. You might try some o-ring lube and one of the old metal roller window screen tools and see if you can work it in enough to hold while placing the outer cover in place for snugging. Dow Corning makes the best I've found.
Slowly getting my 850 back together after two months waiting for parts from the US.
Im now trying to fit the primary o-ring seal and after an hour im about ready to walk away for a few days calm down. It just wont stay in the inner cover channel groove long enough to let me fit the outer. Keeps popping out. Ive done this same fitment three or four time in past two years without such a problem. Im thinking seal might have swelled up or something.

Not using any adhesives. My last bit of hylomar just made it even more slippy and and it falls out before I can engage it all way around the channel.

Smear on some Heavy Grease?
Not sure if it will work here but it works great for holding large Caterpillar tractor gaskets in place for assembly.

I've used this method on sealed electrical enclosures for 35 years.

Sometimes the o-ring is too long. You can cut it, fit it in the groove, then cut the excess off, and super glue the ends together. Be sure to make the cut(s) square, and put the glued seam at the top. I'd use Mystic JT6 grease, to help hold it in the groove.
I super glued the sucker into the inner case.

Then a thin smear of silicone grease on the outer case to aid removal.

It certainly seems to work regarding holding the seal in place and making removal / refitting very easy.
Primary Case Seal Driving Me Nuts
Just did this last night. Silicone in the groove, then fit o-ring. Do not stretch the o-ring as you put it in. In fact you will need to push it “back”. The goal is to keep it as slack as possible. If you need to cut it you’re doing something wrong.

Then refit cover and let dry, 24 hrs if possible before adding oil.
Everyone got their own method , I use same as Nigel , before that,every time I had primary off , I had sore finger tips on right hand from pushing the seal back in , used to push skin from under my nails and leave sore for several days , that got me thinking , never mentioned here as don’t like being dumped on by the “all knowing“ .... thanks Nigel , for opening up haha!
Smear on some Heavy Grease?
Not sure if it will work here but it works great for holding large Caterpillar tractor gaskets in place for assembly.

I tried some hylomar, which is a very tacky non hardening "grease" , and it seemed to make matters worse as the seal would now slip out of groove within 20 -30 seconds.
Not sure what has changed. This is a seal in use for less than two seasons. I did use hylomar previously on it to good effect. Maybe it has absorbed it or perhaps the ATF in the casing, making it too chubby/slippy to stay in groove.
Im trying Craigs suggestion to get it chilled down in freezer.
Might need to resort to tacking in place as I go around using super glue. Or making some kind of clamps to hold it while rtv sets.
Everyone got their own method , I use same as Nigel , before that,every time I had primary off , I had sore finger tips on right hand from pushing the seal back in , used to push skin from under my nails and leave sore for several days , that got me thinking , never mentioned here as don’t like being dumped on by the “all knowing“ .... thanks Nigel , for opening up haha!
Which suggestion is that (who's Nigel?)?
Also , Dave makes valid point ‘bout pushing it in and back so as not to stretch .... I used a particularly soft/pliable seal for several years that had broken on first removal never did glue it back together , kept the joint to top though .... best seal I have had and have not been able to find one as soft since ...
Welp, overnight in freezer didnt help. In fact it become moist with condensate after taking out of bag. Fell out of groove pretty quick.
So dried it and used spots of SuperGlue/Crazy Glue/Cyanoacrylate at 1" intervals along groove. Pushing seal in and hold small sections at a time for 30sec seemed to hold reasonably well. Got all the way around. Ends took a blob of rtv to seal any gap. Cover went on and seal snugged nearly flat. Didnt put and grease on outer contact surface. But can take it off to apply later if needed, assuming seal stays in groove.
Now back to remaining assembly.
I was kidding bout the seal in fridge , just trying to get you calmed .... no harm I hope , sounds like you better today ....
She fired up second kick as usual. Thats with a neglected battery from two months. Been out and about test riding. While doing an extended uphill climb at 4k rpm, noted oil pressure looking anemic ad 22psi. Stopped and checked oi return, seemed fine with lots of flow increased with rpm. No major leaking, just usual stuff around left side top of head. Kept going and noted psi rising a bit on the return down hill. So maybe just oil temp related. Note when last out two months ago, I added a litre of Lucas 20w50 synth from a local shop when I discouvered the inner primary letting go and an oil puddle. Just to get me home. So there is mixed brands in there, Belray EXP 20w50 is my normal potion.
Otherwise bike ran well. Got quite a consistent popping out back when coming off throttle. Couldnt dial it out with mixture screw.
This is with the single amal on there as we were in middle of testing this two months ago to solve a left bank misfire (solved).
The beauty of using the RTV is it holds the seal in place and doesn’t allow the ATF to sneak behind it.
I think in this case it would've been very messy if the seal still slipped out before rtv set up. No sign of ATF leakage after one ride.

New hardened CNW clutch hub seems to shift nice and smooth. Still had a little difficulty finding first if bike was stopped. Had that since rebuilding GB.
Coat the groove as demonstrated in my picture. Insert seal making sure there’s no excess. Clean off excess RTV. Put outer cover on until RTV is dry. Thanks to my brother for those tips.
Coat the groove as demonstrated in my picture. Insert seal making sure there’s no excess. Clean off excess RTV. Put outer cover on until RTV is dry. Thanks to my brother for those tips.
That is how i have always done it, and my primary has always been tight.

Untill i started using ATF. Damned poor alternator grommit...
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