Doing my Christmas cards, about 10 this year, looking for a book of stamps I found a sheet of 10 Norton F1 first class stamps. Now the face value would be £9.50 but I am sure they would be worth more to a collector. What do you think? Sell or use them up? Like this
Stamp: Norton F.1. 1991 (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland(Motorcycles) Mi:GB 2315,Sn:GB 2295,Yt:GB 2661,Sg:GB 2548,AFA:GB 2522,Un:GB 2702,WAD:GB052.05
Stamp: Norton F.1. 1991 (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland(Motorcycles) Mi:GB 2315,Sn:GB 2295,Yt:GB 2661,Sg:GB 2548,AFA:GB 2522,Un:GB 2702,WAD:GB052.05 📮. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect collectors community. Only Colnect automatically matches...