Pressing the kill button collapses the field in the coils, turning off the ignition at the key just shuts down the power supply.
STATIC timing is just that, the engine is NOT running.
If you have the Boyer unit in place on the cam shaft set the engine to the 31deg. mark on the alternator, set the stator plate so that the fixing studs are in the center of the slots, rotate the Boyer rotor so that a magnet on the rotor covers half of the hole in the stator plate -- use the hole marked for counterclockwise rotation of the camshaft, tighten the rotor fixing bolt, tighten -- carefully -- the stator studs,assuming that the wires are all connected correctly you should be able to fire up the engine, setting the timing this way allows the engine to run well enough to fine tune with a strobe light, warm up the motor thoroughly, run up to 3000rpm,shine the strobe light onto the timing marks on the alternator, blip the throttle to 5000 -- yes, FIVE THOUSAND rpm, the 31 deg. marks should line up, if not, they should be close, adjust the stator plate -- advance or retard to get to a point where the marks line up at 5000rpm, you need not hold the throttle at 5000 rpm, just blip it briefly, obviously you will need an assistant, best to have the bike OFF the center stand and sitting on it's tires, much less vibration and the bike will not take off across the garage floor!.Long explanation, hope it helps. By the way, all new does not necessarily mean all good, I have had "new" plugs and coils that have been defective, hate to be a downer but it is a fact. Good luck, ride safely. James.