Manxman 650 Anybody know someone who has one?

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'61 Manxman

The NOC website has one picture. Go to this, click "models" at the top of the page then "dominator". Scroll down to the Manxman.

The gas tank, seat and rear fender are different from the later Dominator and Atlas slim line featerbed models. It used a smaller gas tank which needed a seat mounted further forward and the rear fender dzus faster for the back of the seat was forward more. Some of the '61-'62 ES2 and Model 50 singles had the same equipment. There was one of these gas tanks on e-mail about three weeks ago.
Ugly beasts?

Had seen those two but NEVER dreamed domi-chopper would be something interesting like this, till I really got into the numbers.. Excellent wouldn't you say?
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