As I dismantled the gearbox of a 1974 Commando I'm restoring, I "baked" the main case in the oven for removal of bearings and bushes. The bearings dropped out easily enough (well one needed some gentle persuasion) and I was foolish enough to attempt removal of the 2 bushes that house the camplate spindle and the gear selector fork. They didn't budge. Not hot enough, one assumes, so used a propane torch followed by use of a drift - neither budges. Next, called a friend with a hotter torch - no dice. We've tried different drifts and a makeshift extractor using a threaded bolt but, you guessed it, without success.
Unfortunately, I can't just leave them in as my bullying has left them scored. I was going to try screwing in a tap from the inside, next, and whacking on that from the outside but, before doing that, I thought I'd ask for some expert help. Anyone with any ideas?
Unfortunately, I can't just leave them in as my bullying has left them scored. I was going to try screwing in a tap from the inside, next, and whacking on that from the outside but, before doing that, I thought I'd ask for some expert help. Anyone with any ideas?