Fuel lid split pin

You are looking for a roll pin, rather than a split pin or a spring pin.
They are generic, should be widely available.
This is what Andover sells:
yea that one
I like using roll pin drifts for knocking these in/out of fuel cap etc. It is to easy to mash them with standard drifts.

Fuel lid split pin
Hi Tornado,
Are Roll pin punches any different from ordinary pin punches?

As I understand it, a pin punch has a flat tip and are selected to match the same diameter as the pin, so they can drift the pin all the way out of its hole. The pin can be a solid type, not necessarily a roll pin. A roll pin punch has a short tip with a diameter that seats into the end of a roll pin. This helps prevent damage to/collapsing of the pin end. If you look closely at the image I posted, you can see the tip shape. The rest of the punch is that same diameter as the outside of the pin...so it can drift all the way through the hole.