EV drawbacks

Just to split hairs, my previous post is not one that I would reply "amen" to. Much as misguided church-goers do to preachers talking about bad things like: "The drug problem today is EVIL!" and the sheep say "amen".

"Amen" is a reply that essentially means "so be it" or "so it should be".

So, replying to my comment that part of the citizenry is unwittingly subsidizing the other part, is not something I would reply "so be it" to...

The terminology you used for Amen comes from the catholic church...being so be it..or...so it should be (not knocking the R.C's)
Amen also carries these meanings ... uh huh...yes...absolutely...affirmative...
agreed....assuredl...aye...beyond a doubt...by all means...all right....and...👍
The terminology you used for Amen comes from the catholic church...being so be it..or...so it should be (not knocking the R.C's)
Amen also carries these meanings ... uh huh...yes...absolutely...affirmative...
agreed....assuredl...aye...beyond a doubt...by all means...all right....and...👍

and ....... so mote it be!

The terminology you used for Amen comes from the catholic church...being so be it..or...so it should be (not knocking the R.C's)
Amen also carries these meanings ... uh huh...yes...absolutely...affirmative...
agreed....assuredl...aye...beyond a doubt...by all means...all right....and...👍

Not just the Roman Catholic church, but all Abrahamic religions, and Arabic (Islamic) religions
Sorry Mate I just noticed I had some how accidentally given your comment of Amen or agreement to GP's post a thumbs down...this has been corrected.👍
Emogees.... can be dangerous...

First instance, laughing WITH someone, can be construed as laughing AT someone.
In a relationship with a SO, great care must be taken. 🔬

Blessedly, with a bunch of old bikers, there are no feelings to be hurt. 🤣👊🍻
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