here is the Norton/Matchless P11 website out side of the one here.
This one (Access Norton) seems to be more active so you can poke around all the different threads in this P11 section.
I didn't write this but here is something I pulled off the internet:
Concerning spacers on P11;
1)Top rear engine plates to frame-spacer located between timing side plate and frame (2 mounting bolts-2spacers)-width-.150
2)Bottom rr. eng. plate to frame-spacer located between timing side plate and frame (2mounting bolts-2 spacers)-width-.150
3)Top trans. bolt-located between trans. case and timing side plate-width.145
4)Bottom trans. bolt-located between trans. case and timing side plate-width-.15
5)Top front engine plate to frame/crankcase bolt-between frame lug and front engine plate timing side-width .150
6)As above,but between plate on drive side and frame lug. width .400
7)Bottom front engine plate-located between frame and drive side engine plate-width-.175
8)Top rear crankcase-located between drive side rear plate and crankcase-width-.350
9)Mid rear crankcase-located between drive side rear plate and crankcase-width-.150
10)Bottom rear crankcase-located between drive side plate and crankcase-width-.160
Hope I didn't miss any! Have 3 of them here and wisely left one assembled for reference.The widths are approximate-from what I can gather they may have varied from bike to bike anyway-at any rate they are within 10 thou. +or-. Hope this helps.-Glenn
You will find the spacer file in the Yahoo but you will have to join to see it and then down load the file. I have the file on my computer. It is just that I don't know how to send it as an attachment.