03-0250 Spacer (7/8 X 7/16 x 0.150") goes at the top gearbox bolt (03-0234), at the inside of the timing side engine plate.
No spacer at the bottom pivot stud.
03-0250 Spacer (7/8 X 7/16 x 0.150") goes at the top gearbox bolt (030234), at the outside of the timing side engine plate.
No spacer at the bottom pivot stud.
Sorry Knut.
You say “at the outside of the timing side engine plate”.
You mean between gearbox top lug and gearbox timing side plate?
Out side is a easher not a spacer,
Thank you
A spacer 0.15 long is essentially a washer, but it is listed as a spacer. Sorry, my brain was at rest, it goes on the inside between gearbox lug and timing side engine plate. My posting above has been altered.
A spacer 0.15 long is essentially a washer, but it is listed as a spacer. Sorry, my brain was at rest, it goes on the inside between gearbox lug and timing side engine plate. My posting above has been altered.
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