Crankshaft scratch

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May 16, 2011
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Bad news
I just received my crankshaft which was grinded down 0.010". I made a mistake when installing the crankshaft stud kit. While disassembling in I mistakenly scratched the surface of the shaft. Its not terribly deep but you can feel it with a finger nail. I really really don't want to resend the crank to get another 0.010" grinded off. What is my alternative for repair? Can I high-grid emery cloth the area to dull it down? By the way, it's in close proximity to the oil hole and about 0.150" long.
CDubb said:
Bad news
I just received my crankshaft which was grinded down 0.010". I made a mistake when installing the crankshaft stud kit. While disassembling in I mistakenly scratched the surface of the shaft. Its not terribly deep but you can feel it with a finger nail. I really really don't want to resend the crank to get another 0.010" grinded off. What is my alternative for repair? Can I high-grid emery cloth the area to dull it down? By the way, it's in close proximity to the oil hole and about 0.150" long.

I would use a fine stone- such as you would use to sharpen a knife- and remove any displaced metal so nothing is sticking up. Then just consider it as a small oil reservoir and not worry about it. Jim
If axial I might try polishing to remove high marks, not much more. 1000 grit

If radial I might not be so concerned.
Yes that is exactly what I would do and not loose any sleep over it. There's always something more serious to worry about - eg. death n' taxes.
CDubb said:
yes it is axial. Thanks for your input. I think I might sleep better tonight.

Swear a lot and drink heavily. It won't help the crank but it will do you wonders!
Isn't that the standard therapy for a Norton owner.????
1200 Grit, a leather boot lace, plenty of water and polish it!!!!
Sit down task that needs the theraputic medicinals as well, good take all day!!!!
Regards Mike
Its normal on some Injuns , going for high output , to stone a radius into the crank the width of the oilway about 9mm long
so as the oil feeds through rather than being in shear / changes direction at the interface .

Being PARANOID you could check if its where the shells wear in use , and call it a Resivoir . or if its on the unloaded side,
of no consequence .

RAISED Edges are what you need to eliminate , if its raised a Burr at the edges of the scratch .

Less than a thou and a half deep is really ' a mark ' more than a s c r a t c h . mark . :lol:
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