Commando weave

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Hinged in the middle, a term oft used to describe many an old bike's "handling".
I thought that term originated with the Commando... the design was critisized by some for having the swingarm mounted to a rubber isolated assembly.
I went and looked it up it; predates motorcycles entirely, originally used to describe a person that tried to please whatever crowd they happened to be in front of. "swings both ways" LOL
'Swings both ways 'was surely an expression once used to denote bisexuality . In print I have only seen or recollect seeing it to refer to the handling of pre unit triumphs. I must admit the Commando has always stuckme as a superb handling bike.. Weaves? Well on August night found myself heading north at 90 or so on a virtually empty motorway and conducted a little experiment. Starting from the dead centre of the middle lane ,and using body lean only ,Ininitiated a series of weaves from white line to white line ... Progressively I tightened them by opp lock handle bar steering ...and then was using my full strength on the bars to get thebiketogo tonthe white line and thenbacktothe opposite as the 'weave' was tightened up. Long wheelbase bikes do notlike changing directionat 90mph but absolutely no problem.No twitches , headshaking or anything dramatic
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