Commando prices...

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Norton Owners Assoc. NA I believe. Anyway the old monthly was about 10 years old at the time. Now with pooters & stuff you can really be tracked down.
This is where registration of anything gets you...and they want to do your guns too...How about dirty socks?
Your Commandos are worth far more than Aholes are going to be willing to pay for them. If you sell at their low offers the win twice: 1) they get a Commando, 2) they get it at a ridiculously low price...Let them want is my opinion.
Hey Frank!
I'm just breaking balls for a laugh. Sarcasm obviously not coming across through internet postings, go figure!
If I sound asinine it is because I am either drinking or making myself chuckle. The jig is up!

I'll gladly ream out your hemerroids in exchange for your Norton! No fancy doctors needed.

P.S. A lot of criminals, junkies and rapists do live in Brooklyn! I know more than a couple!

Damn it!!! I swallowed that hook, line, and sinker... Well done... :oops:
Your Commandos are worth far more than Aholes are going to be willing to pay for them. If you sell at their low offers the win twice: 1) they get a Commando, 2) they get it at a ridiculously low price...Let them want is my opinion.

Well... an item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I've had a LOT of people look at my bike when it's out and about and make all sorts of compliments but no one has ever asked if I was interested in selling. ;)

When you are talking old motorcycles, the buyers are...old motorcycle riders. That is very apparent if you go to shows/meets/etc. We were at Jurby at the IOM a couple of days ago - uncountable old/classic motorcycles. They reported that there were over 10,000 people there and I believe it. There MIGHT have been a few hundred (at most) who didn't have grey hair. Most of those probably use hair color. ;) So the "future buyer" population is, IMO, rapidly disappearing.
Oh well, if there’s no future market for these things then we’d best thrash ‘em and blow ‘em up while we can !!
Oh well, if there’s no future market for these things then we’d best thrash ‘em and blow ‘em up while we can !!
I have tried really hard to blow my one up but it's just not happening !!!
As your school reports no doubt used to say Baz:

“Must try harder”
How did you know that???
I don't personally have any problem redlining my bike that's what they were made for
And if I blow it up it's my fault I built the motor (from parts) I'm regularly above 6000 rpm but rarely above 7000 so maybe that's the problem?
When I bought mine new in 1972 I could have bought an old Vincent for the same money.. For years Vincents were the same as a new bike, then they began to take off into the investment stratosphere and left new build far, far behind.
Few classic bikes have followed this trail blaze in the UK; Goldstars, Velo Thruxtons and other exotica to a lesser extent. So question? Is the whole sector in the doldrums ? Grey porridge was never going to fetch top money
one would have thought,yet my ES2 almost certainly Grey Porridge is probably worth more than my Commando .
When I bought mine new in 1972 I could have bought an old Vincent for the same money.. For years Vincents were the same as a new bike, then they began to take off into the investment stratosphere and left new build far, far behind.
Few classic bikes have followed this trail blaze in the UK; Goldstars, Velo Thruxtons and other exotica to a lesser extent. So question? Is the whole sector in the doldrums ? Grey porridge was never going to fetch top money
one would have thought,yet my ES2 almost certainly Grey Porridge is probably worth more than my Commando .
A mate of mine recently sold a goldstar dbd 34 in Clubman's trim ,big bore , mikuni carb mint bike but not original or matching numbers but it only got one bid £10.000 !! I thought it'd sell for £15000 but the matching number brigade seem to only pay top money for a stock bike
A mate of mine recently sold a goldstar dbd 34 in Clubman's trim ,big bore , mikuni carb mint bike but not original or matching numbers but it only got one bid £10.000 !! I thought it'd sell for £15000 but the matching number brigade seem to only pay top money for a stock bike

Agree would have thought circa £15K . But if the market is 'investment ' orientated then matching numbers and originality have a cachet.
I was watching an auction for an old extremely cherry Vincent B.S. recently. The winner tossed an amount of $ 82,500.00 out of his wallet for the machine. Of course maintenance records, original plates, etc. were in the bag of goodies also, but I'm sure some of you old fellas on the Island have some of that stuff laying about also.
Pop's machine and as soon as he dropped to auction it appears. To me the Rapide is just as fine, but as a poor man my opinion doesn't matter seeing as they command half that price most days. Buyers are fickle creatures at the least.
Sorry bout that call Jb, was going through my junkie shithead phase , who knew we might meet again a student used to get on phone and call Joe Frazier (the heavy weight) my room mate had somehow got his number , that guy sure had a great sense of humour ..... or he was just a guy with same name living in Culvercity ....haha!
Nah...Guy was in a crack frenzy. Fixated. Off his self-prescribed street meds. I paid 500 for mine therefore no Commando is worth more than 500 right?...They are far too much fun to sell off anyway. Mine shaves 40 years off my age for a short time anyway when I'm riding, so others can fret over selling theirs. Why lose the fountain of youth? Coffee & biscuits are ready, and so's my Norton. Later. Time to deepen the bond.
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Appreciate the millennials, those that have jobs are paying my social security.
Thank you for bringing me back to reality. I SHOULD be receiving my first partial back-payment from Uncle Sam in mid-November...
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