GrandPaul does not have to refute "what is proven" because NONE of it is PROVEN.
As an undergraduate student, I questioned the "glass box greenhouse gas model", after five more years of graduate school study, qualifying me to be a scientist, I not only questioned the model, but privately refuted it.
Recently, there were two studies published ..... one from MIT, the other from a Norwegian University, that have refuted the glass box model ..... The earth's atmosphere is not modeled by a glass box with a lid on it.
True, there is more CO2 in the atmosphere than ever in recorded time, but not more than there ever was. Is the recent increase caused by man? Maybe so .... will it destroy the earth? ...... probably not.
Does the increased CO2 increase the temperature of the atmosphere? New studies say not as much as the greenhouse model predicts. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, the earth receives a certain sum of energy from the sun, and it matters not in the long term, temperature wise, if CO2 captures some of it, or if all of it reaches the earth's surface. BTW, water vapor is a greenhouse gas .... why do not the climate change alarmists talk of it? A recent study showed low hanging cloud cover, or lack of it was the chief determinant of atmospheric temperature, not CO2. Why cloud cover is changing? ..... not proven on anything yet.
As GP states, the earth's climate is the result of many scientifically proven factors, all out of man's control.
Carbon taxes are just the politicians schemes to tax us more while saying they are doing good. They will spend the money as usual ..... I, for one, wish to deny them that.