Climate change

Jun 30, 2012
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Education is the only factor which has ever slowed the rate of global population growth. Academics and the web hold the answer to climate change.
With Youtube you can learn to play a guitar as easily as you can learn to cast metal with the lost wax process. In places such as India , an alternative source of income might reduce the need to have an extra kid scavenging on the street.
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The fine line the Earth follows around a star we call the Sun, means a SLIGHT deviation from exactly the right distance has a noticeable impact on the temperatures we experience.

Over the millennia, the natural records show that the Earth has meandered off that exact path, ever so slightly, both a touch too far away, and a touch too close, with recordable differences from SLIGHTLY too hot to WAY too cold (funny how it has never been so hot that everything burned up, only that it got deeply covered with snow and ice).

At present, the planet must be slightly too close for "comfort" for the current raft of hot-headed greenies, and they're losing it...
GP if you accept that 2+2=4 , I find it difficult to understand how you think the overwhelming evidence by the worlds leading scientists is just plain wrong .... while I truly love ICE powered vehicles I can see the end of them coming down the road , instead of looking to refute what is proven why not think of ways you can do your part , you a smart guy ...
... instead of looking to refute what is proven why not think of ways you can do your part , you a smart guy ...
I AM doing my part! I've cut my motorcycle collection down from 55 bikes in 2005, down to only 18 today. My goal is to sell another dozen or so over the next couple of years and get down to 5 or 6 keepers.
How can they be leading scientists if you only need 2 A level E's to get on to Exeter's Climate course, this university has the climate change research dept touted as the best in the UK and short of failing your A levels anyone can get on the course.
GrandPaul does not have to refute "what is proven" because NONE of it is PROVEN.

As an undergraduate student, I questioned the "glass box greenhouse gas model", after five more years of graduate school study, qualifying me to be a scientist, I not only questioned the model, but privately refuted it.

Recently, there were two studies published ..... one from MIT, the other from a Norwegian University, that have refuted the glass box model ..... The earth's atmosphere is not modeled by a glass box with a lid on it.

True, there is more CO2 in the atmosphere than ever in recorded time, but not more than there ever was. Is the recent increase caused by man? Maybe so .... will it destroy the earth? ...... probably not.

Does the increased CO2 increase the temperature of the atmosphere? New studies say not as much as the greenhouse model predicts. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, the earth receives a certain sum of energy from the sun, and it matters not in the long term, temperature wise, if CO2 captures some of it, or if all of it reaches the earth's surface. BTW, water vapor is a greenhouse gas .... why do not the climate change alarmists talk of it? A recent study showed low hanging cloud cover, or lack of it was the chief determinant of atmospheric temperature, not CO2. Why cloud cover is changing? ..... not proven on anything yet.

As GP states, the earth's climate is the result of many scientifically proven factors, all out of man's control.

Carbon taxes are just the politicians schemes to tax us more while saying they are doing good. They will spend the money as usual ..... I, for one, wish to deny them that.

Wasn’t referring to the money side of equation , while I’m an uneducated bumpkin living in the armpit of North America , I know it hard for an educated fellow like yourself to take others opinions seriously .... I been on this earth for going on 70 yrs in the exact same place .... my seat of the pants feel is weather is changing drastically and appears like it accelerating as world leaders fight over who is going to pay , just a poor insignificant guy with not much to loose not sure who pays as long as something gets done sooner ... obviously I willing to pay my share and take share of the grief as long as those who have benefited most from the rape and pillage of our planet are paying too ....Nova Scotia is tailpipe of NA industrial heartland maybe that why we seem to have such drastic changes compared to other locales not sure but it do point to mans interference in something ....
all I know is that for the past several weeks it's been hotter than 40 hells here in NC

While we, in East Texas, have been having a rather cool spring (Texas talk for under 95F).

Yes, the last two weeks have seen 100F, but it is usually June, and sometimes May, not mid July, when the heat arrives.

Neither of our local conditions proves anything, except sometimes it it too hot to ride, or sometimes too cold.

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Scientist believe that the Little Ice Age was caused by the cooling effect of massive volcanic eruptions, and sustained by changes in Arctic ice cover. The extrapolated temperature graph put together by scientists by using various methods of postulating temperatures before recording them accurately was invented, show a clear warming in the modern industrial era of the planet.

So,... If you don't see any significant earth events or solar events to explain the significant warming, it wouldn't be a far reaching idea to think that humans burning fossil fuels are part of the problem, if not cause of the problem... Can it be proven? A: Probably it could be eventually, but it's like our economy. The initial effects may seem good or bad, but they are more fairly judged over time for both what causes something and why...
while I truly love ICE powered vehicles I can see the end of them coming down the road
This is undoubtedly true, for many reasons - including the climate change argument (I am in no position to say if it is true or not) but recent research has raised doubt on the “wonder solution” of electric vehicles. Battery construction and disposal takes as much energy - and sometimes more - than ICE, vehicles still need plastic components, tyres etc - all of which requires the refinement of crude oil or very energy dependent plastic recycling schemes.
It is not simply a case of ignoring the climate change evidence, the argument is much more complicated and the jury is still considering the evidence.
CO2 increase in the atmosphere is scientifically logged to the dawn of the industrial revolution.

The "unnatural" conclusion is that man's burning fossil fuel is the cause.

Would it not be more natural to conclude that man's saw cutting wood (a dawn of industrial revolution human activity) and building his houses from this "new" material is the cause of CO2 increase due to shrinking forests which naturally remove CO2?

At the same time man is building all these structures, he roofs them with black or dark materials.

Be a climate change believer, or deny-er, just don't believe the govt is going to fix it.
The globalists want you to be more receptive of one world govt. because they will say only a global govt can fix the climate. To make you believe THAT, they first have to make you believe there is a problem.

It is primarily about control & you believing the crap sandwich they're feeding you tastes good. Propaganda to make you empower & willingly fund them because they aren't quite at the stage of being able to just seize the funds & power without severe backlash.
If it weren't already so hot I'd have my old rear end in the saddle enjoying a bit of vibration, engine noise, and the smell of dripping gas on my scruffy old English scooter being a general nuisance on the roads.
My grandmother had a say on climate change she lived to a right old age of 95 but she said there was no problems with the weather well not untill they started to shoot rockets into space then things started to change in her wise opinion.

At the moment we are having lots of protesters protesting on a new coal mine openning and weather change in our city of Brisbane, but these so call protesters are doing things all wrong by glueing themself's in main traffic intersections and stopping normal everyday workers getting to work on time etc the first few times they did it the police welcome people to protest in something they believe in but they went a bit far and the patients of the public and the police has just put them off side with every day people tiring to get to work, to make a living and to paid their bills, the protest groups are even running classes in how to intrup people's lives to get their message accross.
Last night on the news they blockaid a company because they won a contract to do work on this new mine, and they protested the towns up north where the mine is going to be built but they got no where there as the towns around the mine want it, it creates jobs and income to those dying towns, protest if you wish but don't upset people you were tiring to get your message across to, upsetting peoples lives is not the way to go.

It is the same with the protests about plastic pollution in the sea. The house, offices and factory of one of the large plastic producers (Jim Ratcliffe) were blockaded recently. The company has worked hard to reduce its impact- investing in a recycling centre in its factory, ensuring that no plastic from the factory enters the water course and paying to clean up the rivers around the area where the factory is based - it recently produced a report, verified by independent sources, that stated 60% of its current output came from recycled sources. The protestors targeted this company by using a social media “storm” - there was a report on him in one of the motorcycle magazines recently as he recently bought Belstaff
What these eco warriors fail to accept is that 90% of the plastic entering the sea comes from 8 main rivers - 6 of which are in Asia (India, China.....) no protests reported in these countries!
Righteous indignation trumps scientific fact every time.