Boyer power box

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Dec 23, 2009
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I fitted some of Jim's 32mm flatslides a couple of weeks ago and went out for a run. It hiccupped at speed which I thought was a fuel supply issue. On return it was erratic at idle as if the cables were hanging but a bit strange. I found the carbs hard to set up (see later) and therefore drilled the inlet manifolds to fit bleeds for vacuum gauges. After much messing around the bike wouldn't idle (even with good vac gauge readings)and eventually I checked the battery voltage which was low causing boyer issues and plug fouling. The alternator was checked and the battery wasn't charging so I bought a new battery yesterday.
Today I went out for a ride and it wasn't right at low speed again. On return the newly charged battery was below 12V..
So on to the Boyer power box. I checked the yellow wires going into the box and ac was going in and there was dc output from the black and red wires. The continuity tester showed a connection from the black to the negative battery terminal but no continuity on the red to the battery earth hence I suspect I have a wire break to earth. Can I just take this straight back to the battery, guess so (bypass the harness)?

One new battery later I think all the issues were the voltage dropping below 12V on the boyer.......Would that cause the erratic tickover?
P.S. when the bike was going those flatslides are beasties :D
Can I just take this straight back to the battery, guess so (bypass the harness)?

or you can ground it directly to the frame somwhere

yes, that is what I did

and just to make damn sure, I run a thick ground wire from the positive battery terminal to the bolt that hold the
oil filter in place on the lower cradle

are you showing an increase in voltage on your meter when you raise the rpms from idle to verify the battery is charging properly?
FastFred said:
The continuity tester showed a connection from the black to the negative battery terminal but no continuity on the red to the battery earth hence I suspect I have a wire break to earth.

Maybe look for that wire break? As other electrical components could be relying on that dodgy wire for their earth connection.
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